Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

From the foregoing values of MX, MY, MZ, we deduce 
MU M V ^ (u, fy d (y, a, b) 
d {x, y, z) ’ d (x, y, z)' 
But forming the values of du, dv, da, db, we have an equation, determinant = 0, which 
equation may be written 
dn d X a ’ b \ dv d M l ’ u \ + d a d X u ' v \ db d X V ’ tt l-0; 
d (x, y, z) d (x, y, z) d (x, y, z) d (x, y, z) 
or, writing herein da = 0, this is 
du d X a ' b \ dv d M a ’ b \ db d X' V ’ a \-0, 
d (x, y, z) d (x, y, z) d (x, y, z) 
viz. this is 
M ( Vdu Udv) = db d {V ’ a) 
a (x, y, z) 
or say 
= X + y + z, 
where, on the right-hand side, everything must be expressed in terms of u, v, a. It 
thus appears that on expressing the final equation as a relation Vdu — Udv = 0 between 
the variables u and v, the multiplier hereof is M 4- ( u >_ v >_ a ) _ If u, v —x, y, this agrees 
d(x, y, z) 
with a foregoing result. 
e b = xyz, 
29. The theory is precisely the same for any number of variables. Thus, if there 
are four variables x, y, z, w, we have 
MX MY M r/ MW — d ( a ’ c ^ d(a, b, c) d (a, b, c) d(a, b, c) 
’ ’ ’ d{y, z, wy d(z, w, x)’ d(w, X, yY d(x, y, z y 
and, we have between the functions on the right-hand an identical relation, in virtue 
of which 
d(MX) i d(MY) ( d(MZ) ^ d(MW)_ Q _ 
dx ' dy dz div 
by taking 
then, supposing that a value of M is known, and also any two integrals a, b, and 
that by means of these the equation to be finally integrated is expressed as a relation 
Vdu — JJdv = 0 between any two variables u and v, the multiplier of this is 
_ ^ . d (u, v, a, b) 
d (oc, y, z, w) ’ 
where U, V and this multiplier are to be expressed in terms of u, v, a, b. 
* in this 
The general result is that, given a value of the multiplier, and also all but one 
of the integrals, the final integral is expressible by a quadrature. 
c. x. 14 

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