Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

or, since the first two terms on the right-hand vanish, the equation (a, 
, ,\d0 , \d6 , dd dQ . r .d0 
( a> h) db +(a ’ C do + ^ a ’ ^ dd + ( a ’ ^ de + ( a ’ ^ df~°' 
6) — 0 thus 
But by the Poisson-Jacobi theorem (a, b), «fee., are each of them a solution of 
(H, 6) = 0, viz. they are each of them a function of H, a, b, c, d, e, f This is 
then a linear partial differential equation wherein the variables are H, a, b, c, d, e, /; 
,, , . dd dd 
or, since there are no terms m yyy, y, we 
dH da 
may regard a, H as constants, and 
treat it as a linear partial differential equation in b, c, d, e, f, the solutions of the 
equation being in fact the integrals, or any functions of the integrals, of 
dJb _ de _ dd _ de _ df 
(a, b) ~ (a, c) ~ (a, d)~(a, e)~ (a, /)' 
48. Suppose any four integrals are V, c', d!, e', so that a general integral is 
a, b', c', d', e'), then b', c', d!, d qua functions of H, a, b, c, d, e, f are integrals 
of the original equation (H, 6) — 0 ; hence changing the notation and writing b, c, d, e 
in place of these accented letters we have (H, a, b, c, d, e) as solutions of the two 
equations (H, 0) = 0, (a, 0) = 0 ; viz. a being any integral of the first of these equations, 
we see how to find four other integrals (b, c, d, e) which are such that 
(H, a) = 0, (H, b) = 0, (H,c)= 0, (H,d) = 0, (H, e) = 0, 
(a , b) = 0, (a , c) = 0, (a , d) = 0, (a , e) = 0. 
49. We proceed in the same course and endeavour to find 0, so that not only 
(.H, 0) = 0, (a, 0) = 0, but also (b, 0) = 0. Assuming here 0 — 0 (H, a, b, c, d, e) an 
arbitrary function of the integrals, the first and second equations are satisfied; for the 
third equation, we have 
.7 .. T7 . d0 /7 . d0 ,, T.d0 s d0 /7 7X d0 . d0 
(b, 0) = (b, + h ^db + ( b ’ G ^dc + ( b ’ d ^dd + ( ' b ’ e ^de’ 
viz. the first three terms here vanish, and the equation (b, 0) = 0 becomes 
C ' ) dc + ^ d ^ dd + 6 ^ de ~ °’ 
where, b, c, d, e being solutions as well of (H, 0) = 0 as of (a, 0) = 0, we have (6, c) a 
solution of these two equations, and as such a function of H, a, b, c, d, e ; and so 
(b, d) and (6, e) are each of them a function of the same variables. The above is 
therefore a linear partial differential equation wherein the variables are H, a, b, c, d, e, 
but as the equation does not contain 
d0 d0 
da ’ ° r db’ 
we may regard H, a, b as con 
stants ; and the solutions of the equation are, in fact, the integrals of 
de dd de 
(6, c) “ (0, d) ~ (0, e) ’

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