Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

that is, 
and consequently 
j = ^(m + s)±|V , i(to — s) 2 + nr, 
where, by what precedes, the integer under the radical sign is negative: and we have 
thus the above mentioned theorem. 
As a very general example, consider the two rational transformations 
z = (x, u, v); mod. eq. Q (u, v) = 0; 
Vl — z 2 . 1 — V 8 Z 2 Vl — X 8 . 1 — u 8 x 2 ’ 
y = (z, v, w); mod. eq. P (v, w) = 0 ; 
Vl — y 2 . 1 — w 8 y s V1 — 
Z 2 .1 — 
viz. 0 is taken to be a rational function of x, and of the modular fourth roots 
u, v; and y to be a rational function of z, and of the modular fourth roots v, w; 
the transformations being (to fix the ideas) of different orders. We have y a rational 
function of x, corresponding to the differential relation 
Vl — y 2 .1 — w 8 y 2 Vl — X 2 . 1 — U 8 X 2 * 
Suppose here w 8 = u 8 , or say w = 6u, 6 being an eighth root of unity: we then have 
Q (v) = 0, P (-v, 6u) = 0, equations which determine u. The differential equation is then 
V1 — y 2 .1 — u 8 y 2 V1 — 
X 2 .1 — U 8 X 2 ’ 
an equation the algebraical integral of which is y = a rational function of x as above: 
hence, by what precedes, we have 
a half-rational numerical value, as above. 
To explain what the algebraical theorem implied herein is, observe that the 
equations Q (u, v) = 0, P (v, 6u) = 0, give for u an algebraical equation. Admitting 6 as 
an adjoint radical, suppose that an irreducible factor is </> (u), and take u to be 
determined by the equation <f>u = 0; then v, and consequently also any rational function 
°f u > v > can be expressed as a rational integral function of u, of a degree which 
is at most equal to the degree of the function <pu less unity. The theorem is that, 
in virtue of the equation <f>u = 0, this rational function of u becomes equal to a half- 
rational numerical value as above. Thus in a simple case, which actually presented 
itself, the equation <pu = 0 was u 2 — 4^ +1 = 0; and had the value u — 2, which 
in virtue of this equation becomes = + V — 3.

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