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[From the Mathematische Annalen, t. xv. (1879), pp. 238—240.]
It is a fundamental notion in Prof. Klein’s theory of the “ Icosahedron ” that
homographies correspond to rotations (of a solid body about a fixed point) : in
such wise that, considering the homographies which correspond to two given rotations,
the homography compounded of these corresponds to the rotation compounded of the
two rotations.
Say the two homographies are A + Bp 4- Gq + Dpq = 0, A 2 + B 2 q + G x r + D 2 qr = 0,
then, eliminating q, the compound homography is A 2 + B 2 p + C 2 r + D 2 p?'= 0, where
A 2 , B. 2 , G 2 , D^BxA-AxG, BxB-AxD, DxA-GxG, B 2 B - GxD ;
and the theorem is that, corresponding to these, we have rotations depending on the
parameters (X, g, v), (X 1} g 1} zq), (\ 2 , /¿ 2 , v 2 ) respectively, such that the third rotation
is that compounded of the first and second rotations. The question arises to find the
expression for the parameters of the homography in terms of the parameters of the
corresponding rotation.
The rotation (X, /¿, v) is taken to denote a rotation through an angle ^ about
an axis the inclinations of which to the axes of coordinates are f, g, h, the values
of X, g, v then being = tan ^ cos/, tan cos g, tan ^ cos h respectively: (\ 1} fix, Vx)
and (X„, /i 2 , Vo) have of course the like significations; and then, if (X, g, v) refer to
the first rotation, and (X 1} fix, Vx) to the second rotation, the values of (X 2 , g 2 , v 2 )
for the rotation compounded of these are taken to be*:
X 2 = X -f Xj + gvx — fixv,
g. 2 = g + fix + vXx — VxX,
v 2 = v + Vx + Xgx — Xxg,
* The numerators might equally well have been X + X x - (vv 2 - Vx v )i e tc., but there is no essential difference r
we pass from one set of formulae to the other by reversing the signs of all the symbols: and hence, Im
properly fixing the sense of the rotations, the signs may be made to be + as in the text. Assuming this
to be so, if we then reverse the order of the component rotations, we have for the new compound rotation
the like formulas with the signs - instead of + ; but this in passing. The formulae, virtually due to
Rodrigues, are given in my paper “On the motion of rotation of a solid body,” Camb. Math. Journal,
t. m. (1843), [6].
C. X.