Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

5. The equation of the bicircular quartic may be expressed in the four forms 
(X 2 + F 2 - k ) 2 — 4 [(/ + 0 ) (X - a ) 2 + (g + 0 ) ( Y - (3 ) 2 ] = 0, 
(X 2 + F 2 - W -4 [(/+ 0 1 ) (X - a,) 2 + (g + 0 1 ){Y— A) 2 ] = 0, 
(X 2 + F 2 - hY - 4 [(/+ 0 2 ) (X - a 2 ) 2 + (g + 0 2 ) (F- /3 2 ) 2 ] = 0, 
(X 2 + F 2 - k 3 y - 4 [(/ + 0 3 ) (X - ar 3 ) 2 + (gr + 0 3 ) ( F - &) 2 ] = 0, 
the equivalence of which is easily verified by means of the foregoing relations. 
Determination as to Reality. Art. Nos. 6 and 7. 
6. To fix the ideas, suppose that f— g is positive; then in order that the centres 
of the four circles of inversion may be real, we must have f+0.f+0i*f+0a-f+0s 
positive, but g + 0. g + 0!. g + 0 2 . g + 0 :t negative ; and this will be the case if f+ 0, 
f+01, f+0-2, f+03 are all positive, but g + 0, g+0 u <f+0>, 9 + 03 one °f them 
negative, and the other three positive. In reference to a figure which I constructed, 
I found it convenient to take 0 3 , 0 lf 0 a , 0. 2 to be in order of increasing magnitude: 
this being so, we have /+ 0 3 positive, g + 0 3 negative; and the other like quantities 
f+01, /+#o, f+02> 9+01, 9+0o. 9+0-2 all positive: we then have y 3 2 and each 
positive, y„ 2 negative, y 2 2 positive: viz. the conics and circles are 
Hyperbola H 3 , corresponding to real circle C 3 , 
Ellipse E x , „ real circle C x , 
„ E 0 , „ imaginary circle G 0 , 
(viz. the radius is a pure imaginary), 
„ E. 2 , „ real circle C 2 , 
and the confocal ellipses E x , E 0 , E 3 are in order of increasing magnitude. The 
centre Co is here a point within the triangle formed by the remaining three centres 
C\, C. 2 , G 3 . It will be convenient to adopt throughout the foregoing determination 
as to reality. 
7. It may be remarked that a circle of a pure imaginary radius 7, =i\, where 
X is real, may be indicated by means of the concentric circle radius X, which is the 
concentric orthotomic circle; and that a circle which cuts at right angles the original 
circle cuts diametrally (that is, at the extremities of a diameter) the substituted 
circle radius X; we have thus a real construction in relation to a circle of inversion 
of pure imaginary radius. 
8. The coordinates of a point on the dirigent conic 
Investigation of dS. Art. Nos. 8 to 17. 
X 2 F 2 
= 1 may be 
(g+0)y: and we hence prove as follows the fundamental 
taken to be (/+ 0) x

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