Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

theorem for the generation of the bicircular quartic. Consider the generating circle, 
If for a moment the radius is called 8, then the equation of the generating circle is 
(X —/+ Ox) 2 + (Y — g + dyf = 8 2 ; 
the condition for the intersection at right angles is 
(a —/+ 6x) 2 + (ft — g + 6yf = y 2 + 8 2 , 
and hence eliminating 8 2 , the equation of the generating circle is 
X-+ Y 2 — k —2, (X — a) (/ + 6)x-2 (F- &){g + 0)y = 0; 
and considering herein x, y as variable parameters connected by the foregoing equation 
(/+ 0) x 2 + (g0) y 2 = 1, we have as the envelope of this circle the required bicircular 
9. It is convenient to write R = ^ (X 2 + Y 2 — k). The equation then is 
R-(X-a)(f+0)x-(Y-{3)(g + 6)y = 0; 
the derived equation is 
(X — a) (/+ d) dx + (Y - /3) (g + d) dy = 0 ; 
and from these two equations, together with the equation in (x, y) and its deriva 
tive, we find X — a = Rx, Y — /3 = Ry ; from these last equations, and the equations 
R = \ (X 2 + Y 2 - k), (/ + 6) x 2 + (g + 6) y 2 = 1, eliminating y, R, we have 
(/ + 0)(X- a) 2 + (g + 0)(Y- ft) 2 = R\ 
(X 2 + Y 2 — k) 2 — 4 [(/+ в)(X - a) 2 +(g + 0)(Y — /3) 2 ] = 0, 
that is, 
the required equation of the bicircular quartic. 
10. We have thus X - a = Rx, Y — ¡3 = Ry, as the equations which serve to 
determine the bicircular quartic : if from these equations, together with R = \ (X 2 + Y 2 — k), 
we eliminate X and Y, we have R expressed as a function of x, y; and thence also 
X, Y expressed in terms of x, y; that is, in effect the coordinates X, F of a point 
of the bicircular quartic expressed as functions of a single variable parameter. The 
process gives 2R + k = (a + Rx) 2 + (ft -I- Ry) 2 , viz. this is 
R 2 (x 2 + y 2 ) — 2 (1 — ax — fty) R + y 2 = 0, 
or putting for shortness 
il = (1 — ax - f3y) 2 - y 2 (x 2 + y 2 ),

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