Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

in virtue of the relation just found between dco and dco lt these two sets of values will 
agree together if only 
R ' i Y - (9 + e ) y) = R i i Y ~ (9 + 00 2/i}> 
R' {X - (/+ 6) = R, {X - (/+ 9,) 
These are easily verified: the first is 
R'Y -(g + 6)(7-/3) = (R - 6 + 0\) 7- (<7 + ^(7- &), 
viz. this is 4- 0) /3 — (<7 4- ^1) & = 0, which is right; and similarly the second equation 
gives (/+ 9) a —(f+ 0j) oil = 0, which is right. 
From the first values of dX, dY, we have, as above, 
_ e'R'8 dco 
Vo V® 5 
and the second values give in like manner 
€iR>i&i do)i 
Vi^V®, ’ 
where e x is = + 1. It will be observed that we have in effect, by means of the relation 
(/3 — (x - x-i) — (a — a x ) (y — y x ) + (9 — 9 t ) (xy x — x-y) = 0, proved the identity of the two 
values of dS. 
Considering the quadrilateral ABCD, and giving it an infinitesimal variation, so as to 
change it into A'B'G'D' t then dS is the element of arc AA'; and writing in like manner 
dS lt dS 2 , dS 3 for the elements of arc BB', CG', DD', we have, of course, a like pair of 
values for each of the elements dS 1} dS 2 , dS 3 . 
Formulce for the elements of Arc dS, dS 1 , dS 2 , dS 3 . Art. Nos. 23 to 27. 
23. The formulae are 
dS = e'R'8 
dS 2 = e 2 'R'8 2 
dco 3 ^ g dco 
dS 3 = e 3 'R 3 '8 3 
Vo 3 V® 3 Vo V® ’ 
where the e’s each denote + 1. Supposing as above that 7 2 is negative, but that 
7i 2 > Y2 3 > 73 2 are positive; then R', R have opposite signs: but Rf R x have the same sign, 

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