Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

where (agh) is used to denote the determinant 
ch, gi, 
a2, g 2 , 
h 2 
a s , g 3 , 
h 3 
, and so for the other 
symbols. Considering the reciprocal of the line L in regard to the quadric surface 
X 2 + Y 2 + Z- + W 2 = 0, the six coordinates of the reciprocal line are 
/, g, h, a, b, c, 
and it is hence at once seen that the locus of the reciprocal line is the quadric surface 
obtained from the equation T = 0 by interchanging therein the symbolical quantities a, b, c 
and f g, h: viz. writing also (£, 77, £, w) in place of (x, y, z, w), the new equation is 
T> = (flc) f 2 + (ffca) V 2 + (hab) £ 2 + (fgh) w 2 
+ [(fgb) - (¥ c ) ] + [(№) + (hca)] vZ 
+ [(ghc) - (fga)] V o> + [(gbc) + (fab)] & 
+ i(¥ a ) ~ (gM)] + [(hca) + (gbc) ] %y = 0; 
or, what is the same thing, this equation T' = 0 is the equation of the original quadric 
surface (the locus of L) expressed in terms of the plane-coordinates £, y, £, a. 
Now considering each of the quantities a lt b 1} c 1} f, g x , h 1} a 2 , b 2 , etc., a 3 , b 3 , etc., as 
a given linear function of a variable parameter X, say a x = a x + afX, b x = b x + W'X, etc., 
the equation T— 0 takes the form 
AX 3 + 3 BX 2 + SCX + D = 0, 
where А, В, C, D are given quadric functions of the coordinates x, y, z, w\ and the 
envelope of the quadric surface T= 0 is Herr Rummer’s surface of the eighth order 
(AD - BG) 2 -4 (AC-B 2 ) (BD - C 2 ) = 0. 
In like manner the equation T' = 0 takes the form 
A'X 3 + 3 B'X 2 + 3 G'X + D' = 0, 
where А', В', G', П are given functions of the coordinates f, у, £ со; and we have 
(A'D' - B'C') 2 - 4 (A'G' - B' 2 ) (B'D' - G' 2 ) = 0, 
as the equation of the reciprocal surface; or (what is the same thing) as that of the 
original surface, regarding £, y, £, tu as plane-coordinates. 
In regard to the foregoing equation T — 0, it is to be noticed that, if a 1} b x , c 1} 
/1, 9i, K; a 2 , b 2 , etc., a s , b 3 , etc., instead of being arbitrary coefficients, were the 
coordinates of three given lines L x , L 2 , L 3 respectively; that is, if we had 
«1/1 + b x g x + cJh = 0, 
«2/2 + b 2 g 2 + cX = 0, 
a 3 f 3 + b 3 g 3 + cju, = 0,

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