e y n — 1=0, which
roots; it is shown
: a + /3i such that
form cos 9 + г sin 9;
or of the equivalent equations p x = Xa, &c., then
a n — p x a n ~ 1 + ... =0,
b n — pj) n ~ l + ... =0,
Ve have thus the
(viz. it is for this reason that a, b, ... are said to be roots of x n — p x x n ~ l +... = 0);
ilso obtain a like
We are thus led
and, moreover, that conversely from the last-mentioned equations, assuming that a, 6,...
are all different, we deduce
alued function, viz.
is is
p x = Xa, p 2 = Xab, &c.,
x n —p x x lv ~ l + ... = (x — a) (x — b) ....
denote the ?i-valued
Observe that, if for instance a = b, then the two equations a n — p x a n ~ l +... = 0,
b n — p x l') n ~ 1 + ... = 0 would reduce themselves to a single equation, which would not of
itself express that a was a double root, that is, that (x — a) 2 was a factor of
x n — p x x n ~ x + &c.; but by considering b as the limit of a + h, h indefinitely small, we
refer here to the
obtain a second equation
na n-1 — (n — 1) p x a n ~ 2 + ... = 0,
all which follows in
ifications) applicable
subject, it will be
which, with the first, expresses that a is a double root; and then the whole system
of equations leads, as before, to the equations p x = Xa, &c. But this in passing: the
general case is when the roots are all unequal.
We have then the theorem that every rational symmetrical function of the roots
is a rational function of the coefficients; this is an easy consequence from the less
general theorem, every rational and integral symmetrical function of the roots is a
rational and integral function of the coefficients.
In particular, the sums of powers Xa?, 2a 3 , &c., are rational and integral functions
of the coefficients.
зге are n quantities
з they may become
An ordinary process, as regards the expression of other functions Xa a b p , &c., in
terms of the coefficients, is to make them depend on the functions Xa a , «Sic., but this
is very objectionable; the true theory consists in showing that we have systems of
p x = Xa,
ing with the roots
a, x — b,... in the
laving the n roots
f P'2 = 2a&,
\ p x = Xa? + 2Xab,
l Pz = Sa6c,
\p x pz = Xa 2 b + 3 Xabc,
le the existence of
iven, then we write
\ p x 3 = Xa 3 + 3Xa 3 b + 6Xabc,
&c., &c.
where, in each system, there are precisely as many equations as there are root-functions
on the right-hand side, e.g. 3 equations and 3 functions Xabc, Xa 3 b, Xa 3 . Hence, in
each system, the root-functions can be determined linearly in terms of the powers and
products of the coefficients.