Thus, as regards the two forms of S Q’ the identity to be verified may be
c (d 2 Ab + e 2 Ba — cFde) = f(a 2 De + If Ed — fGab).
Proceeding to reduce the factor a 2 De+ b 2 Ed—fCab, if we first write herein f— eD + dE,
it becomes
which is
a 2 Be + b 2 Ed — (eD + dE) Cab,
= aBe (a — bC) + bEd(b — aC),
and then writing C=ab-AB, we have a - bC = a(l - b 2 ) + bAB, =B(aB + bA), = Be;
and, similarly, b - aC = Ac; whence the term is = c (aeBD + bdAE); or, in the equation
to be verified, the right-hand side is =cf (aeBD + bdAE), and by a similar reduction,
the left-hand side is found to have the same value.
The paper contains various other interesting results.