Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

The Numerical and Real Generating Functions. Art. Nos. 366 to 374, 
and Table No. 96. 
366. I have, in my Ninth Memoir (1871) [462], given what may be called the 
Numerical Generating Function (N.G.F.) of the covariants of a quartic ; this was 
. . _ 1 — a 6 « 12 
1 — ax 4, . 1 — a 2 x 4 .1 — a 2 .1 — a 3 .1 — d s x s ’ 
the meaning being that the number of asyzygetic covariants a 9 x> J -, of the degree 9 
in the coefficients and order g in the variables, or say of the deg-order 9. g, is equal 
to the coefficient of a e x<*■ in the development of this function. And I remarked that 
the formula indicated that the covariants were made up of (ax 4 , a¥, a 2 , a 3 , a 3 af), the 
quartic itself, the Hessian, the quadrinvariant, the cubinvariant, and the cubicovariant, 
these being connected by a syzygy a 6 x 12 of the degree 6 and order 12. Calling these 
covariants a, b, c, d, e, so that these italic small letters stand for covariants, 
1.4 a, 
2.0 b, 
2.4 c, 
3.0 d, 
3.6 e, 
then it is natural to consider what may be called the Real Generating Function 
(R.G.F.): this is 
1 — e 2 
1 — a.l — b.l — c.l—d.l — e » 
the development of this contains, as it is easy to see, only terms of the form a a b ? crd 8 
and a a №crd s e, each with the coefficient +1, so that the number of terms of a given 
deg-order 9. g is equal to the coefficient of a e x^ in the first-mentioned function : and 
these terms of a given deg-order represent the asyzygetic covariants of that deg-order: 
any other covariant of the same deg-order is expressible as a linear function of them. 
For instance, deg-order 6.12, the terms of the R.G.F. are a 3 d, a 2 bc, c 3 : there is one 
more term e 2 of the same deg-order ; hence e 2 must be a linear function of these : 
and in fact 
e 2 = - a 3 d + a 2 bc — 4c 3 , 
viz. this is the equation 
= — U 3 J + U 2 IH - 4H 3 .

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