Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

where the first factor is the entire series of terms sc s q*ut, and the second factor is 
the series of terms a a №gy omitting only those terms which are divisible by abg: and 
in the product of the two factors the terms are all distinct, so that the coefficients 
are still each = 1. The same thing is true for every other pair of numerator terms: 
and since the terms arising from each such pair are distinct from each other, in 
the expansion of the entire function the coefficients are each = + 1. Hence (as in 
the case of the quartic) for any given deg-order, the terms in the expansion of the 
R.G.F. may be taken for the asyzygetic covariants of that deg-order; and if there 
are any other terms of the same deg-order, each of these must be a linear function, 
with numerical coefficients, of these asyzygetic covariants: thus deg-order 6.14, the 
expansion contains only the terms a% acd, be 2 ; there is besides a term of the same 
deg-order, ef, which is not a term of the expansion, and hence ef must be a linear 
function of a~h, acd, be 2 ; we in fact have ef = a 2 h — 6acd — 4>bc 2 . 
The terms in the expansion of the R.G.F. may be called “ segregates,” and the 
terms not in the expansion “ congregates ”; the theorem thus is: every congregate is 
a linear function, with determinate numerical coefficients, of the segregates of the same 
369. I stop to remark that the numerator of the R.G.F. may be written in the 
more compendious form 
(l_^)(l_ v ) + (l_63)( 0 + i) + (l-& 2 )( e +^) + (l-5)/ 
+ (1 — ag 2 ) (d + h + j + in + dj + hj +j 2 +jm) 
+ (! ~ h 9) ( l +jo+js) 
+ (1 — b 2 g) (i + n+p +jk) 
4- (1 — abg) s 
+ (i -g)jt 
+ (1 - a) w ; 
but the first-mentioned form is, I think, the more convenient one. 
370. It is to be noticed that the positive terms of the numerator are unity, the 
seventeen covariants d, e, f h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, r, s, t, v, w, and the products of j by 
(d, h, j, k, m, o, s, t), where j 2 is reckoned as a product; in all, 26 terms. Disregarding 
the negative terms of the numerator the expansion would consist of these 26 terms, 
each multiplied by every combination whatever a a №cyg s q*uS 0 f the denominator terms 
a, b, c, g, q, u (which for this reason might be called “ reiterative ”): the effect of the 
negative terms of the numerator is to remove from the expansion certain of the terms 
in question, thereby diminishing the number of the segregates: thus as regards the 
terms belonging to unity, any one of these which contains the factor b 5 is not a 
segregate but a congregate : and so as regards the terms belonging to d, any one of 
these which contains the factor ag 2 is a congregate: and the like in other cases. 
For a given deg-order we have a certain number of segregates and a certain 
number of congregates: and the number of independent syzygies of that deg-order is 
C. X. 44

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