Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

The theorem just referred to, that the system of algebraic curves U=0 has 
always an envelope, is an interesting theorem, which I proceed to prove. Assume 
that in general, that is, for an arbitrary value of the parameter, the equation U = 0 
represents a curve of the order m, with 8 nodes and k cusps (and therefore of the 
class n, with i inflexions and t double tangents, the numbers m, 8, k, n, t, i being 
connected by Plticker’s equations); for particular values of the parameter, the values 
of 8 and k may be increased, or the curve may break up, but this is immaterial. 
The consecutive curve U+8cd c U=0 is a curve of the same order m, with 8 nodes 
and k cusps, consecutive to the nodes and cusps of the original curve U, and the two 
curves intersect in m 2 points; but of these, there are 2 coinciding with each node, 
and 3 coinciding with each cusp of the curve U = 0, as at once appears by drawing 
a curve with a node or a cusp, and the consecutive curve with a consecutive node 
or cusp; the number of the remaining intersections is = m 2 — 28 — 3k, and the envelope 
is the locus of these m 2 — 28 — 3k points. Observe that the two curves have in common 
n 2 tangents; but of these, 2 coincide with each double tangent and 3 coincide with 
each stationary tangent of the curve U = 0, viz. the number of the remaining common 
tangents is = n 2 —2r—Si (which is =m 2 — 2S — 3/c): and that these n 2 — 2r — Si common 
tangents are indefinitely near to the m 2 — 28 — 3k common points respectively, and are 
in fact the tangents of the envelope at the m 2 — 28 — 3k points respectively. Now in 
an algebraic curve we have m+ n = m 2 — 28 — Sk, viz. the number m 2 — 28 — 3/c cannot 
be =0, and we have therefore always an envelope the locus of the system of the 
m 2 — 28 — 3k points. It might be thought that the conclusion extends to transcendental 
curves; if this were so, the result would prove too much, viz. it would follow that a 
differential equation (L, M, N\p, 1) 2 = 0 without a singular solution had no general 
integral; but it will appear by an example that the theorem as to the envelope does 
not extend to transcendental curves. 
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Ex. 1. 
p 2 — (1 — y 2 ) = 0, that is, dy 2 — (1 — y 2 ) dx 2 = 0. 
Here there is no algebraical integral, but there is a quasi-algebraical integral of 
the form (P, Q, R\c, 1) 2 = 0; viz. starting with the form y — sin (x -f C) and expressing 
sin G and cos C rationally in terms of a new parameter, this is 
In fact, 
c 2 (y + cos x) — 2c sin x + (y — cos x) = 0, 
where the coefficients are one-valued functions of (x, y). The discriminant of the 
differential equation in regard to p and that of the integral equation in regard to c 
are each =y 2 — 1, and we have a true singular solution y 2 — 1 = 0. 
and thei 
Ex. 2. 
(1 — x 2 )p 2 — (1 — y 2 ) = 0, 
that is, 
(1 — x 2 ) dy 2 — (1 — y 2 ) dx 2 = 0. 
that is, l 
It i 
We have here an algebraic integral of the proper form, which is at once derived 
from the circular form 
C = cos -1 x + cos -1 y 
point of 
curve co

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