Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

We have then for each of the functions 
ja-z lb -z /e-z 
V d-z’ V d-z’ V d-z 
a set of four equivalent expressions, the whole system being 
Ia — z _ Va — b. a — c {V adb^ + V a^bc} _ Va — b. a — c{x — y) 
V d — z 
{be, ad) 
VadbjCj — Va^jbc 
_ Vq — 6. q - c {V abcjdj + V ad^cd} _ Vq — 6 . q — c {V acbA + V a 1 c 1 bd} < 
(a — c) Vbdbjdj — (6 — d) VacajCj {a - b) Vede^ — (c — d) Vaba^j 
/b^z 'J °a^d, “ C>) ^ bdbldl + (6 - d) V aca^j} K abc i d i “ ^ a i b i cd l 
* ^ — ^ (6c, ad) VadbjCj — Va^bc 
\J^~d ’ a ^) \/{( a —d) ^bcbiCi + (6 - c) Vadajdi} 
(a — c) Vbdbjdj — (6 — d) VacaA (a — 6) VcdcA — (c — cZ) Vabajbj 
^| {(a - 6) Vcdcjdj + (c — d) Vaba^} ^-J {Vacb^ — Va^bd} 
v d — z {be, ad) 
\/ ——^ {(q — d) VbcbjCj — (b — c) Vada^} 
V Ct — Qj 
V adbiCj — V ajdjbc 
i/S« ac) 
(q — c) Vbdbjdj — (6 — d) VacaA (q — b) Vcdcjdj — {c — d)\labajbj 
The expressions in the like fourfold form for the functions sn {u + v), cn {u + v), dn {u + v) 
are given p. 63 of my Treatise on Elliptic Functions. 
It is easy to verify first that the four expressions for the same function of z are 
identical, and next that the expressions for the three several functions 
ja — z lb — z J <p—z 
V d-'z’ V d-z' 
are consistent with each other. For instance, comparing the first and second expressions 
of JTJL. the equation to be verified is 
adb^ — aadjbc = {x — y) (be, ad), 
which is at once shown to be true. Again comparing the first and second expressions 
for \J^— we ought to have 
{(q - c) Vbdbyh + {b-d) Vaca x c a } {VadbA - Vaybbc} = {be, ad) {Vabcyb - Va^cd}.

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