Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

viz. for the points of the cubic hexad we have 
a \/bcf+ /3 Vcag + y Vabh + 8 V fgh = 0, 
ancl hence the condition in order that the four points (x lf y 1} z x ), (x 2 , y 2 , z 2 ), ( x 3> y-n 3,)» 
(x 4 , y 4 , z 4 ) may belong to the cubic hexad is 
ctj)ihi y 
^ fig A 
v b 2 c 2 f 2 , 
Vc 2 a 2 g 2 , 
Va 2 b 2 h 2 , 
V fgA 
^b 3 C 3 f 3 , 
Vc 3 a 3 g 3 , 
V a 3 b 3 h 3 , 
\Zc 4 a 4 g 4 , 
f fgA 
viz. we have thus the form of the determinant il which belongs to a cubic hexad. 
It is to be observed that the equation 
faf+ fbg + fch = 0 
remains unaltered by any of the interchanges a and f b and g, c and h; but we 
thus obtain only two cubic hexads; those answering to the equations 
a Vbcf + ¡3 Vcag + 7 Vabh + 8 V fgh = 0, 
a fagh + /3 fbhf + 7 Vcfg + 8 Vabc = 0, 
which give distinct hexads. The whole number of ways in which the equation of the 
quartic can be expressed in a form such as 
Vo/‘+ \/bg + Vc/i = 0, 
attending only to the pairs of bitangents, and disregarding the interchanges of the 
two bitangents of a pair, is = 1260, and hence the number of forms for the determ 
inant il of a cubic hexad is the double of this, =2520, which is =36 x 70: but 
the number of distinct hexads is = 36, and thus there must be for each hexad, 
70 equivalent forms. 
To explain this, observe that every even characteristic except , and every odd 
characteristic, can be (and that in 6 ways) expressed as a sum of two different odd 
characteristics; we have thus (see Weber’s Table I.) a system of (35 + 28=) 63 
hexpairs; and selecting at pleasure any three pairs out of the same hexpair, we have 
a system of (63 x 20=) 1260 tripairs; giving the 1260 representations of the quartic 
in a form such as 
V af+ \/bg + VcA = 0. 
Each even characteristic ^not excluding qqq^ can be in 56 different ways (Weber, 
p. 23) expressed as a sum of three different odd characteristics, and these are such 
that no two of them belong to the same pair, in any tripair; or we may say that 
each even characteristic gives rise to 56 hemi-tripairs. But a hemi-tripair can be in 
5 different ways completed into a tripair; and we have thus, belonging to the same

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