Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

is not restricted to the case where the a, /3, y, 8 represent integers, and there is 
actually occasion to consider functions of this form where they are not integers: in 
particular, a, /3 may be either or each of them of the form, integer+ ^. But the 
functions thus obtained are not regarded as theta-functions, and the expression theta- 
lunction will consequently not extend to include them. 
Properties of the Theta-Functions: Various sub-headings. 
Even-integer alteration of characters. 
6. If x, y be integers, then m, n having the several even integer values from 
— oo to +oo respectively, it is obvious that m + a + 2x, n + /3 + 2y will have the same 
series of values with m + a, n + /3 respectively; and it thence follows that 
/a + 2x, /3 + 2y 
\y » 8 
) 0> v) = % 
Similarly if z, w are integers, then in the function 
a , ß \ 
y +2 z, 8 + 2 w) 
(u, v) 
the argument of the exponential function contains the term 
n [m + a. u + y + 2z + n + /3. v + 8 + 2w}; 
this differs from its original value by 
I iri (m + a. 2z + n + /3.2w), 
= iri (mz + mu) + 7ri (az + ßw), 
and then, m and n being even integers, mz + mu is also an even integer, and the 
term iri (mz + mu) does not affect the value of the exponential : we thus introduce 
into each term of the series the factor exp. iri (az + /3w), which is, in fact, = (—) aZ +P w ; 
and we consequently have 
* (“+2,; L 2 J <“•»(“; s) ; 
or, uniting the two results, 
K“ + 2l; 8 + 2w) <“’ f)(- *)• 
This sustains the before-mentioned conclusion that the only distinct functions are the 
16 functions obtained by giving to the characters a, 0, y, 8 the values 0 and 1 
Odd-integer alteration of characters. 
7. The effect is obviously to interchange the different functions.

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