Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

which expresses that the four functions are the coordinates of a point on a quadri- 
quadric curve in ordinary space. 
17. The remaining 12 of the 16 equations then contain on the left-hand products 
such as 
A (u + u') . B (u — u); 
and by suitably combining them we obtain equations such as 
u+u u-u' u+u u-u' 
C .D + D.C 
= function 
where for brevity the arguments are written above; viz. the numerator of the 
fraction is 
B (u + u) A (u — u') — A (u + u') B (u — u), 
and its denominator is 
C(u + u')D (u — u') + D (u + u') G(u — u). 
Admitting the form of the equation, the value of the function of u' is at once found 
by writing in the equation u = 0; it is, as it ought to be, a function vanishing for 
u = 0. 
18. Take in this equation u indefinitely small; each side divides by ii, and 
the resulting equation is 
AuB'u - BuA'u 
—• = const., 
where A'u, B'u are the derived functions, or differential coefficients in regard to u. 
It thus appears that the combination AuB'u—BuA'u is a constant multiple of 
CuDu : or, what is the same thing, that the differential coefficient of the quotient- 
function ^ is a constant multiple of the product of the two quotient-functions ™ 
Au ' 
19. And then substituting for the several quotient-functions their values in terms 
of x, we obtain a differential relation between x, u; viz. the form hereof is 
du = 
b — x.c — x.d — x’ 
and it thus appears that the quotient-functions are in fact elliptic-functions: the 
actual values as obtained in the sequel are

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