Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

43. We can from each set form two fractions (each of them a function of u + v! 
and u — u'), which are equal to one and the same function of u! only: for instance, 
from the first set we have two fractions, each : putting in such equation u = 0, 
we obtain a new expression for the function of u' involving only the theta-functions 
Aii!, &c., which new expression we may then substitute in the equations first obtained : 
we thus arrive at the six equations 
u+u'u—v! u+u' u-v! u+u' u—u' u+u' u-u' 
G.A-A.G D.B-B.D Du'.Bu' 
D.B + B.D~C.A+A.C~Cu'. Av! * 
B.A-A.B D.G-G.D Du’ .Gu 
D.G+G.D~~ B.A+A.B~ Bu'.Au” 
B.G—G.B_D.A — A.D_ Du’ .Av! 
D.A+A.D~B.C+G.B~ Bv! . Gu’ ’ 
where observe that the expressions all vanish for v! = 0. 
44. Taking herein v! indefinitely small, we obtain 
Au. C'u — Gu. A'u Bu. D u — Du. B'u D O . BO 
Bu. Du Gu . Au GO. AO 
An. B’u — Bu. A'u _ Gu. D'u — Du. C'u _ D'O . GO 
Gu. Du Au . Bu AO . BO 
Gu. B'u — Bu. C'u _Au. D'u — Du. A'u _ D'O. AO 
Au . Du Bu. Gu BO. GO 
where the last column is added in order to introduce K in place of D'O. 
45. These formulae in effect give the derivatives of the quotient-functions in terms 
of quotient-functions : for instance, one of the equations is 
d Du _ £ B u Gu 
du Au Au' AiG 
= -K 
= -K 
= -K, 
B* 0 
A* 0’ 
C* 0 
substituting herein for the quotient-fractions their values in terms of x, this becomes 
d /d ~ x _ Ir /^8® 7b — x.c — x 
du v a — x v 213) a — x 
= -K 
f 7b — x . c — x 
a — x 
or the left-hand being 
this is 
Kdu = 
— £f dx 
(a — x)% 7d — x du ’ 
Vaf. dx 
7a — x.b—x.c—x.d—x 
where on the right-hand side it would be better to write 7— af in the numerator 
and x — d in place of d — x in the denominator.

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