fc is clear from the
at once infer the
one variable,
infinitesimal arc 00',
OM drawn from 0
And then, writing
a cos (X + M) = Xa,
e the equation is
n between a, b, c,
respectively ; this
-A 2 )
-A 2
= 0 :
But in virtue of u = 0, we have
((7a 2 + ±B) 2 = (7 (Ca 4 + Ba 2 + A) + \ (B 2 — AC),
that is, ^ = *J(B- — 4<AC); and here B 2 — 4AC is a quartic function of f 2 , which is
easily seen to reduce itself to the form
r-- (g+¿) 2 / 2 -(9- /0 2 / 2 - (b + c) 2 / 2 -(b- cf.
The coefficients of bdb, cdc, &c., are given as expressions of the like form; substituting
their values, the differential relation is
V{/ 2 -(9 + h) 2 f 2 ~(g~ A) 2 / 2 — (b + c) 2 / 2 -(b- c) 2 } ada + &c. = 0,
which is, in fact, the foregoing result.
It is right to
notice that there are in
all 16 lineal
f + g + h,
b + c+f,
c + a+g,
a + b + h
sa yd, / ,
~f+9 +
— b + c +/,
- c + a + g,
— a + b + h
d' ,
9' >
f-g + h,
c — a + g,
a —b + h
d", /",
g" >
b + c-f
c + a- g,
a+ b — h
d!", /"',
h m
and this being so, the coefficients of ada, bdb, cdc, fdf, gdg, hdh, are
Y(dd'd"d"' • //'/"/")> - W • hh'h"h"' ),
V(«T'. gg'g"g'" ), - V(AA'A"/r . fff'f" \
*J(dd'd"d r " . hh'h"h'” ), - fff'f" ■ 99'9"9"'),
We may imagine the quadrilateral ZOXY composed of the four rods ZO, OX.
XY, YZ (lengths c, a, h, f as before) jointed together at the angles, and kept in
equilibrium by forces B, G acting along the diagonals 0 Y (= b), ZX (= a) respectively
We have c, a, h, f given constants, and the relation 0 (a, b, c, f g, h) = 0, which
connects the six quantities is the relation between the two variable diagonals (g, b) ;
by what precedes, the differential relation fig . dg + fib . db = 0 is equivalent to
ClBbdb — CAgdg = 0. By virtual velocities we have as the condition of equilibrium
Bdb + Gdg = 0 ; hence, eliminating db, dg we have
B __ G_
ilBb ~ CAg ’
or, say
b ' g~ AXYO . AZYO ‘ HXYZ.MXO ’
viz. the forces, divided by the diagonals along which they act, are proportional to the
reciprocals of the products of the two pairs of triangles which stand on these diagonals
respectively. The negative sign shows, what is obvious, that the forces must be, one
of them a pull, the other a push.