Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

which is true identically. The verification is thus made to depend upon that of 
c 6 4 — c 2 4 + Cj 4 — c 9 4 = 0 ; and similarly for the other relations between the squared functions, 
the verification depends upon relations containing the fourth powers, or the products 
of squares, of the constants c and k. 
130. Among these are included the before-mentioned system of equations involving 
the fourth powers or the products of squares of only the constants c ; and it is 
interesting to show how these are satisfied identically by the values c 0 = ^bd, &c. 
Thus one of these equations is Ci 2 4 + Cj 4 + c 6 4 = c 0 4 ; substituting the values, there is 
a factor ce which divides out, and the resulting equation is 
ad. af. df. be .be + cf. ef. ab. ad. bd + ah . af. bf. cd. de — ac. ae .bd. bf. df= 0. 
There are here terms in a 2 , a, a 0 which should separately vanish; for the terms 
in a 2 , the equation becomes 
df. be .be + bd.cf. ef+ bf. cd.de — bd.bf. df= 0, 
which is easily verified; and the equations in a and a 0 may also be verified. 
An equation involving products of the squares is c r /c 9 2 — c 2 c 2 + c 3 2 c 6 2 = 0. The 
term c 12 2 c 9 2 is here Vadf. bee Vdef. abc which is = V(6c) 2 (df) 2 .ab .ac. ad .af .be .ce .de .ef, 
which is taken = be. df*Jab. ac. ad . af. be. ce . de . ef\ similarly the values of Ci 2 c 4 2 and 
c 3 2 c 6 2 are —bd.cf and bf. cd each multiplied by the same radical, and the equation to be 
verified is 
be. df— bd. cf+ bf.cd=0, 
which is right: the other equations may be verified in a similar manner. 
131. Coming next to the equations connecting the pairs of theta-functions, for 
CjCisAuAia c 0 c 12 A 3 A ]5 + = 0, 
this is 
c :j Cj 5 CoC 12 {\- bd V ad — \-be V ae] + c 4 c 8 k 7 k n . \'b \! a = 0, 
the products VbdVad and VfteVae contain besides a common term the terms 
p (dfc / e / -f d^ce) Vaa / bb / , and (efc/1, + e / f / cd) Vaa / bb / , 
hence their difference contains ^ (de x — d,e)(fc, — f c) Vaa^b which is = de.fc Vaa^bb,, 
that is, de.fc\/afb: hence the equation to be verified is 
de .fc. c 3 c 13 c 0 c 12 + c 4 c s k 7 k n — 0 , 
c 3 c 15 c 0 Ci 2 is =\/bef .acd x^aef.bcd Vbdf.ace \/adf bee, where under the fourth root we 
have 24 factors, which are, in fact, 12 factors twice repeated; and if we write 
II, = ab. ac . ad .ae .af .be .bd .be .bf. cd . ce. cf. de . df. ef, for the product of all the 15 
factors, then the 12 factors are in fact all those of IT, except ab, cf de; viz. we have 
c 3 c 15 c 0 Ci 2 = \/U. 2 + (ab) 2 (cf) 2 (de) 2 .

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