Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 10)

). 168.] 
[From the Messenger of Mathematics, voi. vi. (1877), pp. 173—182.] 
The paper was as follows: 
die ordinary process, 
which occupies any 
^onals (N.W. to S.E.) 
2, 3,.., 20, 21, 20', 
impartments respect- 
on the top line be 
ise may be) denotes 
1. Show (independently of the theory of roots) how, if x satisfies an equation 
of the order n, a given rational function of x can in general be expressed as a 
rational and integral function of the order n — 1. State the theorem in a more 
precise form, so as to make it true universally. 
2. Investigate the form of the factors of 1 + sin (2n +1) x considered as a 
function of sin x ; and give the formulae in the two cases, 2n + 1 = 3 and 5 respectively. 
3. Write down the substitutions which do not alter the function ab + cd; and 
explain the constitution of the group. 
4. Find in a form adapted for calculation an approximate value for the sum of 
the middle 2a +1 terms of the expansion of (1 + Yf n , n being a large number, and 
a small in comparison therewith. 
be retained only if 
[•miilse for a square 
ilse for the general 
Obtain thence a complete and precise statement of the theorem that in a large 
number of tosses the numbers of heads and tails will probably be nearly equal. 
5. A point in space is represented on a given plane by its projections from 
two fixed, points. Show how a problem relating to points, lines, and planes, is 
thereby reduced to a problem in piano ; and apply the method to construct the line 
of intersection of two planes each passing through three given points. 
6. A weight is supported on a tripod of three unequal legs resting on a smooth 
horizontal plane, their feet connected in pairs by strings of given lengths. Show how 
to determine the tensions of the several strings. 
7. Explain the ordinary configuration of a system of isoparametric lines on a 
spherical surface ; for instance, what is the configuration when there are two points 
of minimum value, and one point of maximum value, of the parameter?

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