[652 652]
two half-bianches of the curve coincide together with the portions which lie outside
the cylinder x 2 + y-=l ) in fact, the portions referred to above, of the nodal curve in
the plane in question; the portions which lie inside the cylinder are acnodal or isolated
cm ves without any real sheet through them. It may be added, in the way of
general description, that the section of the surface by any cylinder a? + y 2 = c 2 (c > 1)
is a curve of the form z=Gcos(26 + B), 6 the angle along the base of the cylinder
from the intersection with the axis of ¡s; G, B are functions of c; viz. we have for
the two half sheets respectively
z=Gcos(26 + B) and z = C cos (26 - B),
each curve having thus the two maxima + G, and the two minima —G; and the two
curves intersect each other at the four points in the two principal planes respectively;
viz. the points for which 6 = 0, 90°, 180°, 270°, and z=GcosB, -GcosB, GcosB, —CcosB
Proceeding to discuss the surface analytically, we have for the equations of a
. (1877),
generating line
x — cos <6 y — sin <6 z — COS 2d)
-sin* = cos* =-2sin2*' = i> sup P° se '
or say
defined by
X = COS (f) — P sin (f),
3nt one for
y = sin (f) + P COS (f),
it of view.
z = cos 2(f) — 2p sin 2(f),
-2/2 = 1 with
which equations, considering therein p, cf> as arbitrary parameters, determine the surface.
g its vertex
r the curve
on the line
Writing x = 0, we find y — > and then £ = ~ 3 + 2 sin 2 0, viz. we have
is a sextic
x = 0, z = — 3 + —, for section in plane yz;
regarding (f)
and, similarly, writing y = 0, we find x — ^ , and then z— 3 — 2 cos- <f), viz.
section with
here are in
and in the
y — 0, z = 3 —- for section by plane xz.
7 he sections
By what precedes, these are nodal curves, crunodal for the portions
irface; they
(y = ±l to + oo, z = -l to - 3) and (x = ± 1 to ± oo, z- 1 to 3)
; 1 tO ± OC ,
respectively, acnodal for the remaining portions y < ±\, x < +1 respectively.
y increases
Writing x = rcos6, y — r sin 6, so that the coordinates of a point on the surface
are r, 6, z, where r = \J(x 2 + y 2 ) is the projected distance, 6 is the azimuth from the axis
5. The two
of x, and z is the altitude, w T e have
these nodal
r COS 6 = COS (j) — P sin (f),
me through
1 such that
r sin 6 = sin <f) + P cos (f>,
, y = 0, the
z = cos 2(f) — 2p sin 2(f>.