Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Rectangle : potential of, ix, 278—80. 
Rectilinear Motion: iv, 515—6. 
Reduced Latitude: vii, 16, ix, 238. 
Reducible Semin variants: and perpetuants, хш, 308—13. 
Reducible Syzygies (see Syzygies). 
Reduction: of transcendental integrals, x, 214—22. 
Reech, F.: contour lines, iv, 609. 
Reflection: caustics by, I, 273—5, il, 118—22, 129. 
Region: the term, ix, 331. 
Regular: the term, vi, 457, 459. 
Regulator: the term, vn, 402. 
Regulus: the term, xi, 573, 632. 
Rehorovsky, W.: symmetric functions, n, 602. 
Relation: and abstract geometry, vi, 457—62; omal, vi, 463; parametric, vi, 463—4; a discriminant, 
vi, 467; Jacobian, vi, 467. 
Relink: the term, v, 521. 
Remblais: theory of, xi, 417—20, 449, 587. 
Reports: on progress of theoretical dynamics, in, 156—204; on progress in solution of certain problems 
in dynamics, iv, 513—93; on Pellian equation, хш, 430—67. 
Representation: analytical, of curves in space, iv, 446—55, 490—5, xi, 83; of solid figure in plane, vn, 
26—30; of surfaces on a plane, viii, 538; of variables by correspondence of planes, x, 316—23 ; 
conformal, xi, 78—81; graphical, of binodal quartic and the elliptic functions, хш, 9—19; Sylvester 
on graphical, хш, 47; (see also Orthomorphosis, Transformation). 
Reseau: the term, vii, 253. 
Residuation: of cubic curve, ix, 211—4, xn, 115—6; of curves, xii, 502; Sylvester’s theory of, хш, 47. 
Residues: Cauchy’s theorem on, i, 148, 174; Eiscnstein’s geometrical proof of quadratic, in, 39—43; 
nodal, of scrolls, v, 169—70, 181—3, 184, 187. 
Resisting Medium: motion in, iv, 541. 
Resolvent Equations: sextic, of Jacobi and Kronecker, хш, 473—9. 
Resolvents: after Lagrange, iv, 309; of quintics, xi, 396. 
Resultant: the term, i, 63, 337, iv, 597, 602—3, vi, 466—7 ; of qualities, n, 320; of two equations, n, 
440—53, vi, 292—9; of two binary quantics, iv, 1—4, ix, 16—7; of three ternary quadratics, iv, 
349—58; of two binary cubics, v, 289; of forces, x, 589. 
Resultor : defined, и, 59. 
Reversion : of series, iv, 30—7, 54—9. 
Reuschle, K. G-.: mathematical tables, ix, 468—9, 473, 485, 494—9, xi, 95—6; theory of numbers, xi, 
85—6, 315, 612. 
Rhamphoid Cusp: v, 265—6, 618. 
Rhizic Theory: root-limitation, ix, 34—8. 
Ribaucour, C. R.: orthogonal surfaces, viii, 569—70. 
Riccati, J. F.: solution of equation, vii, 9—12. 
Richelot, F. J. : Abeliau integrals, i, 366, 367; solution of equation x m -1—0, i, 564; porism formula, 
ii, 90; in-and-circumscribed triangle, in, 237—41 ; spherical pendulum, iv, 534, 592; rotation of 
solid body, iv, 577—8, 592 ; rotation round fixed point, iv, 583, 592; two quartic curves, x, 584; 
integral of Euler’s differential equation, хш, 525—9. 
Richmond, H. W. : Pascal’s theorem, vi, 594. 
Riemann, G-. F. B.: doubly infinite series, ii, 593; genus of curve, v, 476—7, 517; Abelian integrals, 
v, 521, xi, 30 ; Abelian functions, vi, 2, 264, 593 ; elliptic geometry, viii, xxxvii; transformation 
and theory of invariants, viii, 387; surface of, and correspondence, x, 317, 323 ; bitangents of

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