Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

384. On the Transformation of Plane Curves ..... 1 
Proc. London Math. Society, t. I. (1865—66), No. ill. pp. 1—11 
385. On the Correspondence of Tivo Points on a Curve ... 9 
Proc. London Math. Society, t. i. (1865—66), No. vn. pp. 1—7 
386. On the Logarithms of Imaginary Quantities . . . . 14 
Proc. London Math. Society, t. n. (1866—69), pp. 50—54 
387. Notices of Communications to the London Mathematical Society 19 
Proc. London Math. Society, t. n. (1866—69), pp. 6—7, 25—26, 
29, 61—63, 103—104, 123—125 
388. Note on the Composition of Infinitesimal Rotations ... 24 
Quai’t. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 7—10 
389. On a Locus derived from Tivo Conics ..... 27 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 77—84 
390. Theorem relating to the four Conics which touch the same 
two lines and pass through the same four points . . . 35 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 162—167 
391. Solution of a Problem of Elimination ..... 40 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 183—185 
392. On the Conics ivhich pass through tivo given Points and touch 
tivo given Lines ......... 43 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 211—219 
393. On the Conics ivhich touch three given Lines and pass through 
a given Point. . . . . . . . . . 51 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 220—222 
394. On a Locus in relation to the Triangle . . . . . 53 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 264—277 
395. Investigations in connexion with Casey s Equation . . . 65 
Quart. Math. Journ. t. vm. (1867), pp. 334—341

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