Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

417. On the Locus of the Foci of the Conics which pass through 
Four Given Points ........ 1 
Phil. Mag. t. XXXII. (1866), pp. 362—365 
418. A Remark on Differential Equations ..... 5 
Phil. Mag. t. xxxii. (1866), pp. 379—381 
419. A Theorem on Differential Operators ..... 8 
Phil. Mag. t. xxxii. (1866), pp. 461—472 
420. On Riccati’s Equation ........ 9 
Phil. Mag. t. xxxvi. (1868), pp. 348—351 
421. Note on the Solvibility of Equations by means of Radicals . 13 
Phil. Mag. t. xxxvi. (1868), pp. 386, 387 
422. On the Geodesic Lines on an Oblate Spheroid . . . . 15 
Phil. Mag. t. xl. (1870), pp. 329—340 
423. On the Plane Representation of a Solid Figure . . . 26 
Phil. Mag. t. xli. (1871), pp. 286—290 
424. On the Attraction of a Terminated Straight Line . . . 31 
Phil. Mag. t. XLI. (1871), pp. 358—360 
425. Note on the Geodesic Lines on an Ellipsoid . . . . 34 
Phil. Mag. t. xli. (1871), pp. 534, 535 
*426. On a supposed New Integration of Differential Equations of 
the Second Order ......... 36 
Phil. Mag. t. xlii. (1871), pp. 197—199 
427. On Gauss’ Pentagramma Mir if cum . . . . . . 37 
Phil. Mag. t. XLII. (1871), pp. 311, 312 
*428. Note sur la correspondance de deux points sur une courbe . 39 
Comptes Rendus, t. lxii. (1866), pp. 586—590 
*429. Sur les Coniques déterminées par cinq conditions de contact 
avec une courbe donnée . . . . . . . . 40 
Comptes Rendus, t. lxiii. (1866), pp. 9—12

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