Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Contents of Volume VIII. 
530. Solution of a Senate-House problem ..... 436 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. v. (1871), 
pp. 24—27 
531. A “ Smith's Prize” paper [1869]; solutions by Prof. Cayley . 439 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. v. (1871), 
pp. 41—64 
532. Note on the integration of certain differential equations by 
series ........... 458 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. v. (1871), 
pp. 77—82 
533. On the binomial theorem, factorials, and derivations . . 463 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. v. (1871), 
pp. 102—114 
534. A “ Smith’s Prize ” paper [1870]; solutions by Prof Cayley . 474 
Oxford, Camb. and Dubl. Messenger of Mathematics, t. v. (1871), 
pp. 182—203 
535. Note on the problem of envelopes . . . . . . 491 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), pp. 3, 4 
536. Note on Lagrange’s demonstration of Taylors theorem . . 493 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), pp. 22—24 
537. Solutions of a Smith’s Prize paper for 1871 . . . . 496 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), pp. 37—47, 71—77, 89—95 
538. Extract from a letter from Prof Cayley to Mr C. W. Merri- 
field . . . . . . . . . . . 517 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), pp. 87, 88 
# 539. Further note on Lagrange’s demonstration of Taylor’s theorem 519 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. I. (1872), pp. 105, 106 
540. On a property of the torse circumscribed about tivo quadric 
surfaces .......... 520 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), pp. Ill, 112 
541. On the reciprocal of a certain equation of a conic . . . 522 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. I. (1872), pp. 120, 121 
# 542. Further note on Taylor’s theorem . . . . . . 524 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), p. 137 
543. On an identity in spherical trigonometry. . . . . 525 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), p. 145 
544. On ci penultimate quartie curve . . . . . . 526 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. i. (1872), pp. 178—180

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