Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

46 Contents of Volume IX. 
582. Note on the Theory of Precession and Nutation 
Monthly Notices R. Ast. Society, t. xxxv. (1874—1875), pp. 340—343 
583. On spheroidal trigonometry ....... 
Monthly Notices R. Ast. Society, t. xxxvn. (1876—1877), p. 92 
584. Addition to Prof R. S. Ball’s paper “Note on a transfor 
mation of Lagrange’s equations of motion in generalised 
coordinates, tuhich is convenient in Physical Astronomy ” 
Monthly Notices R. Ast. Society, t. xxxvn. (1876—1877), pp. 269—271 
585. A neiv theorem on the equilibrium of four forces acting on a 
solid body .......... 
Phil. Mag., t. xxxi. (1866), pp. 78, 79 ; Camb. Phil. Soc. Proc., t. I. 
(1866), p. 235 
586. On the mathematical theory of isomers . ... . 
Phil. Mag., t. xlvii. (1874), pp. 444—467 
587. A Smith’s Prize dissertation [1873]. 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. hi. (1874), pp. 1—4 
588. Problem [on tetrahedral] ........ 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. ill. (1874), pp. 50—52 
589. On resiclucition in regard to a cubic curve . . . . 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. hi. (1874), pp. 62—65 
590. Addition to Prof. Hall’s paper “ On the motion of a. particle 
toward an attracting centre at which the force is infinite” . 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. hi. (1874), pp. 149—152 
591. A Smith’s Prize paper and dissertation [1874]; solutions and 
remarks .......... 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. ill. (1874), pp. 165—183; t. iv. 
(1875), pp. 6—8 
592. On the Mercator’s projection of ci skeiv hyperboloid of revo 
lution ........... 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. iv. (1875), pp. 17—20 
593. A Sheepshanks’ problem (1866) ...... 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. iv. (1875), pp. 34—36 
594. On a differential equation in the theory of elliq>tic functions . 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. iv. (1875), pp. 69, 70 
595. On a Senate-House problem ..... . 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. iv. (1875), pp. 75—78 
596. Note on a theorem of Jacobi’s for the transformation of a double 
integral .......... 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. iv. (1875), pp. 92—94 

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