Contents of Volume X.
693. A tenth memoir on quantics .......
Phil. Trans., vol. 169, Part II. (for 1878), pp. 603—661
694. Desiderata and Suggestions .......
No. 1. The theory of groups;
American Journal of Mathematics, t. I. (1878), pp. 50—52
No. 2. The theory of groups ; graphical representation;
American Journal of Mathematics, t. I. (1878), pp. 174—176
No. 3. The Newton-Fourier imaginary problem;
American Journal of Mathematics, t. n. (1879), p. 97
No. 4. The mechanical construction of conformable figures;
American Journal of Mathematics, t. n. (1879), p. 186
695. A link-work for x 1 : extract from a letter to Mr Sylvester
American Journal of Mathematics, t. I. (1878), p. 386
696. Calculation of the minimum N.G.F. of the binary seventhic .
American Journal of Mathematics, t. n. (1879), pp. 71—84
697. On the double S--functions .......
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxvii. (1879), pp. 74—81
698. On a theorem relating to covariants .....
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxvii. (1879), pp. 82, 83
699. On the triple S--functions ........
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxvii. (1879), pp. 134—138
700. On the tetrahedroicl cos a particular case of the 16-nodal quartic
surface ...........
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxvii. (1879), pp. 161—164
701. Algorithm for the characteristics of the triple S-functions
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxvii. (1879), pp. 165—169
702. On the triple S-functions ........
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxvii. (1879), pp. 190—198
703. On the addition of the double S-functions . . . .
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. lxxxviii. (1880), pp. 74—81
704. A memoir on the single and double theta-functions .
Phil. Trans., vol. 171, Part III. (for 1880), pp. 897—1002
705. Problems and Solutions ........
Mathematical Questions with their Solutions from the Educational
Times, vols. xiv. to lxi. (1871—1894); for contents, see p. 615