Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Contents of Volume XII. 61 
811. On the linear transformation of the theta-functions . . 50 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xm. (1884), pp. 54—60 
812. On Archimedes theorem for the surface of a cylinder . . 56 
Messenger of Mathematics, t. xm. (1884), pp. 107, 108 
813. [Note on Mr Griffiths’ paper “On a deduction from the 
elliptic-integral formula t/ = sin (A + B+ C-\-...)”] . . 58 
Proc. Loncl. Math. Soc., t. xv. (1884), p. 81 
814. On double algebra ......... 60 
Proc. Loud. Math. Soc., t. xv. (1884), pp. 185—197 
815. The binomial equation x p — 1 = 0; quinquisection. Second part 72 
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., t. xvi. (1885), pp. 61—63 
816. On the bitangents of a plane quartic . . . . . 74 
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. xciv. (1883), pp. 93—115; Camb. 
Phil. Soc. Proc., t. iv. (1883), p. 321 
817. On the sixteen-nodal quartic surface . . . . . 95 
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. xciv. (1883), pp. 270—272 
818. Note on hyperelliptic integrals of the first order . . . 98 
Crelle’s Journal der Mathem., t. xcvm. (1885), pp. 95, 96 
819. On two cases of the quadric transformation between two 
planes ........... 100 
Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 13 (1882), pp. 178, 179 
820. On a problem of analytical geometry . . . . . 102 
Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 15 (1882), p. 209 
821. On the geometrical representation of an equation between two 
variables . . . . . . . . . . 104 
Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 15 (1882), p. 210 
822. On associative imaginaries . . . . . . . 105 
Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 15 (1882), pp. 211, 212 
823. On the geometrical interpretation of certain formula in elliptic 
functions ....... ... 107 
Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 17 (1882), p. 238 
824. Note on the formula of trigonometry . . . . . 108 
Johns Hopkins University Circulars, No. 17 (1882), p. 241 
825. A memoir on the Abelian and Theta Functions . . . 109 
Chapters I to III, American Journal of Mathematics, t. v. (1882), 
pp. 137—179 ; Chapters IV to VII, ib., t. vn. (1885), pp. 

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