Aggregate : and relation in abstract geometry, vi, 459.
Air: effect on pendulum, iv, 541.
Airy, Sir G. B. : a trigonometrical theorem, iv, 80; roots in algebraic equations, iv, 116, ix, 39.
Algebra : non-commutative, I, 128—31, 301 ; notion and boundaries, v, 292—4, 620 ; Cayley founder
of modern, vili, xxx ; geometrical illustration of theorems in, ix, 16—7, 21—39 ; operation connected
with covariants, ix, 537—42 ; expansion theorem, x, 57 ; system of equations, xi, 39—40 ; identities,
xi, 63—4, 130—1; and time, xi, 443; origin, xi, 445—8; in Greece, xi, 446; and logic, xi, 459,
xii, 459 ; algebraical equations, xi, 506—21 ; function in, xi, 523—4 ; Sylvester’s work, xiii, 46 ;
Sylvester’s principles of universal, xiii, 47 ; Sylvester on art and, xiii, 48 ; (see also Multiple
Algebraic Curves (see Curves).
Algebraic Equations (see Equations).
Algebraic Theorems : x, 594, 602, 609.
Algebras, Non-commutative: i, 128—31, 301.
Algorithm : for characteristics of triple theta functions, x, 441—5, 452.
Allink : the term, v, 521.
Allotrious : the term, ix, 204.
Alpine Club : Cayley a member, vili, xi.
Alternant : of operators, xiii, 400—1.
Altitude : of trees, ix, 429—60.
America : Cayley’s visit to, vili, xxi.
American Mathematical Journal: Sylvester's contributions to, xiii, 47.
Ampère, A. M. : inertia, iv, 563, 584 ; reciprocante, хш, 366.
Amphigram: the term, vn, 268.
Ampullate : the term, vi, 101.
Anallagmatic : the term, vn, 246.
Analogues: of Pascal’s theorem, i, 426, 427.
Analysis : Bernoulli’s numbers in, ix, 259—62 ; (see also Combinatory Analysis).
Analytical Geometry (see Geometry, analytical).
Analytical Representation of Curves (see Representation).
Analytical Theorem: as to Euler’s equation, vn, 261—2.
Analytical Theory of conics (see Conics).
Anchor Ring: and cyclide, ix, 18.
Angle : interpreted with reference to two points, vi, 497.
Anglin, A. H. : roots of algebraic equations, xn, 33—4.
Angular Distance (see Distance).
Anharmonic Ratio : theory of binary qualities, n, 565 ; sextic equation, vn, 314—5, xn, 578—9.
Anomaly : expansion of the true, hi, 139—43 ; and elliptic motion, iv, 521, 523.
Anti-circle : the term, vili, 262.
Anti-conic: the term, ix, 65.
Anti-foci : and foci, vn, 567.
Anti-point : the term, vi, 499—500, ix, 65, хш, 11 ; problem and solution, vn, 593 ; orthomorphosis
хш, 184.
Aoust, L. : geodesic curvature, xi, 330.
Aplati (see Penultimate Forms).
Apoclastic: the term, xii, 226.
Applicable Surfaces (see Skew Surfaces, Surfaces).
Apollonius: tactions, xiii, 152.
Apsidal Surfaces : theory of, xi, 111—3.