Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Arbelon : the term, xn, 57. 
Arbitrary Constants : in mechanical problems, hi, 161—5, 200. 
Arbogast, L. : method of derivations, II, 257, iv, 265—71, 272—5, 60.9, xi, 55, 358—60 ; rule of, vili, 
471, xm, 267. 
Archimedes : and statics, xi, 446 ; theorem for surface of cylinder, xn, 56—7. 
Argand, R. : imaginaries in plane geometry, xn, 460, 46S. 
Arithmetic : in Greece, xi, 446 ; Gauss’s work, xi, 544. 
Arndt, F. : mathematical tables, vm, 51—5, ix, 490—1. 
Aronhold, S. H. : ternary cubic, n, 325, hi, 48, iv, 325—30 ; on lambdaic of binary quartics, n, 550 ; 
hyperdeterminants, n, 598—601; ineunts, iv, 419; intersection of line and conic, v, 501—4; bi 
tangents of quartic curve, vn, 125; construction of a conic, vn, 593; integration formula, x, 12—4; 
concomitants of ternary cubic, xi, 342; Abelian function, xn, 157; quadric integral, xn, 162—4, 
164—7 ; cubic transformation, xn, 173—9. 
Arrangements : theory of permutations, i, 423—4 ; triads of seven and fifteen things, i, 481—4, 589, 
v, 95—7 ; of numbers, x, 570 ; latin squares, xm, 55—7 ; (see also Combinatory Analysis, Per 
mutations, Substitutions). 
Art ; Cayley’s love and practice of, vnr, xxiv ; and algebra, xm, 48. 
Askwith, E. H. : substitutions, xm, 117, 133, 141, 145. 
Associative : the term, xn, 461. 
Associative Algebra: xii, 303. 
Associative Imaginaries : xii, 105—6. 
Asteroids : Newcomb on orbits, ix, 176—7. 
Astronomy : Cayley’s work, vm, xliii ; origin of, xi, 446—7 ; Gauss’s work, xi, 545 ; transformation of 
coordinates, xi, 575; Sylvester’s work, xm, 47. 
Asymptotes : of algebraic curves, i, 46. 
Asymptotic : the term, xm, 232. 
Asyzygetic : covariants and invariants, n, 250; the term, vi, 460—1, vn, 336. 
Atomic Theory : Sylvester’s work in, xm, 47. 
Attraction and Multiple Integrals : i, 5—12, 13—8, 195—203, 204—6, 285—9, 362—3, 508—10, 586 ; and 
theorem of Boole, i, 384—7, 588; and theorem of Jellett, i, 388—91. 
Attraction of Ellipsoids: i, 432—4, 511—18, vn, 380—3; Gauss’s method, hi, 25—8, 149—53; Laplace’s, 
m, 53—65, 567 ; Rodrigues’, ill, 149—53. 
Attractions : theory, n, 35—9, hi, 154—5, xi, 44S ; of terminated straight line, vn, 31—3 ; of ellipsoidal 
shell on exterior point, ix, 302—11; of lens-shaped body, x, 594. 
Augmented Equation : xii, 453. 
Ausdehnungslehre : Grassmann, xii, 480—9. 
Automorphic Transformation: iv, 416, v, 439; of binary cubic function, xi, 411—6. 
Autopolar Polyhedra: iv, 185. 
Auxesis : xi, 79, 81. 
Auxiliars : the term, vi, 156; application to quintics, vi, 186—7. 
Auxiliary Equations (see Equations). 
Axial Systems : of polyhedra, v, 529—39. 
Axiom : twelfth of Euclid, xi, 435, xii, 220. 
Axis : of inertia, iv, 559—66 ; cubic surfaces and kinds of, vi, 367 ; transformation of equation of surface 
to chief axes, ix, 48—51 ; radical, xi, 465. 
Axonometry: ix, 508—18. 
Babbage, C. : homographic function, n, 494 ; matrices, xi, 252. 
Babinet, J. : representation of hemisphere, vm, 539.

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