prepotentials, ix, 417—23; difference table, xi, 144; matrices, xi, 256; mathematics and logic,
xi, 458—9 ; series, xi, 627.
Booth, J.: rotation of solid body, iv, 577, 585.
Borchardt, C. W.: symmetric functions, n, 417, 421—3; 16-nodal quartic surface, x, 180; theta
functions, x, 464, 499; theorem on trees, xm, 28.
Bordered Skew Determinants: n, 203.
Boron: trees of, ix, 429—60.
Boundaries: of Algebra, v, 292—4, 620.
Bouquet, J. C.: orthogonal surfaces, vm, 279, 292; periods of elliptic integrals, ix, 618; conformal
representation, xi, 80; imaginary variables, xi, 440; elliptic functions, xi, 534; differential equations
of first order, xn, 432—41; functions of complex variables, xm, 190.
Bour, E.: differential equations, m, 164, 197—8, 204, iv, 515, 585; problem of three bodies, iv, 550—2,
585 ; Gaussian theory of surfaces, xi, 331—6.
Branch: the term, hi, 243, x, 36, xi, 476—7; partial, of a curve, v, 425; of polyzomal curves, vi,
474—6, 481—5 ; main, of trees, ix, 429—60 ; theorem on trees, xm, 26—8.
Branch-points: the term, x, 317.
Brassinne, E.: differential equations, hi, 186—7, 203.
Bravais, A.: spherical pendulum, iv, 533, 585; on polyhedra, v, 537, 559.
Bretschneider, C. A.: mathematical tables, ix, 486.
Brianchon, 0. J. : theorem of, i, 328, v, 4; rectangular hyperbola, hi, 254; reciprocal polars, xi, 465.
Briggs, H.: logarithms, xi, 447.
Brill, A.: transformation of plane curves, vi, 593 ; transformation, and theory of invariants, vm, 387;
sextic curve, ix, 504—7.
Brinkley, J.: formulae of, iv, 262.
Brioschi, F.: Sulla variazione and Teorema di Mechanica, hi, 190, 203; degli integrali di un
problema di dinamica, hi, 199—200, 203; peninvariants, iv, 246; text-book on determinants, iv,
608; Schwarzian derivative and polyhedral functions, xi, 149, 151; concomitants of ternary cubic,
xi, 342; Jacobian sextic equation, xi, 401; theory of equations, xi, 520; elliptic functions and
quintic, xn, 493; transformation of elliptic functions, xn, 505—34, 554—5; wave surfaces, xm, 238;
sextic resolvent equations, xm, 473, 478, 479.
Briot, A.: rotation of solid body, iv, 574, 585; periods of elliptic integral, ix, 618; conformal repre
sentation, xi, 80; imaginary variables, xi, 440; elliptic functions, xi, 534; differential equations of
first order, xn, 432—41; functions of complex variables, xm, 190.
British Association: report on Catalogue of Philosophic Memoirs, v, 546—8, 620; communications to,
v, 549—53; Cayley president 1883, vm, xxi—xxii; communications on in-and-circumscribed triangle,
vm, 565—6 ; correspondence of points and lines in space, vm, 566; covariants of binary quantic,
vm, 566—7 ; families of surfaces, vm, 567 ; Mercator’s projection of surface of revolution, vm,
567; report on mathematical tables, ix, 461—99 ; Presidential address, xi, 429—59.
Bronwin, B.: elliptic functions, i, 118, 119, 127, 132.
Buchheim, A.: parallels of, xm, 481, 489.
Bude, A. Q.: multiple algebra, xn, 467, 471.
Burg, A.: algebraical theorem, x, 57.
Burnside, W. S.: cubic identity, v, 597.
Cagnoli, A.: spherical trigonometry, iv, 80.
Calculus: of logic, vm, 65—6; and time, xi, 443—4; of functions, xi, 541—2; of forms ; (see also
Covariants, Invariants, Quantics).
Calculus of Variations: Jacobi on, hi, 174; problem in, vn, 263.
Cambridge Mathematical Journal: foundation, vm, xii.