Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Supplementary volume)

Campaniform: the term, vi, 101, xi, 479. 
Canonical Elements: for disturbed motion, hi, 77. 
Canonical Forms: of qualities, ii, 523, 542, 54S; of binary qualities, iv, 43—52, 53; the term, iv, 606—7, 
xin, 46; quintics, vi, 153—4, x, 355—62, xn, 27 ; cubic surfaces, vi, 361; Sylvester’s work, xm, 46; 
(see also Formula;). 
Canonisant: defined, n, 523, iv, 45, 53, 606, 607, v, 103—5. 
Capacity: of a curve, i, 583; the term, vn, 140; and postulandum, xm, 115. 
Capitation: and seminvariants, xn, 248—50. 
Carbon : trees of, ix, 427—60, 544—5. 
Cardan, J.: solution of cubic, v, 54, xn, 299. 
Cards: game of mousetrap, hi, 8, x, 256—8; (see also Permutations). 
Carey, F. S.: theory of numbers, xn, 73. 
Carnot, L.: distances of points, i, 64, 581 ; on two tetrahedra in perspective, ix, 209—10; geometrical 
paradox, xii, 305—6. 
Cartesians: cusp, i, 589; oval of Descartes, ii, 336, 365—6, 370; equation of, n, 370—4, 376; 
defined, vi, 524, xi, 481; with two imaginary axial foci, vii, 241—3; and cubic curve, vn, 556 ; 
problem and solution, vn, 582; note on, ix, 45—7; construction, ix, 317, 535—6, x, 261 ; invention 
of coordinates, xi, 449; explained, xi, 461; scalene transformation, ix, 532—4; correspondence of 
confocal, with right lines of hyperboloid, xii, 587—9. 
Casey, J.: equation of, and tangent circles, vi, 65—71; polyzomal curves, vi, 471—2; bicircular quartics, 
vi, 540, x, 223—42, xm, 12; tactions, vi, 543, vii, 115, xm, 153; circle touching three others, 
vi, 568—73; cyclides and sphero-quartics, vm, 262—3; cyclide, ix, 64, 75. 
Cassinian: note on, ix, 264—5; the word, x, 608; equation of, x, 608. 
Castillon, J. F. S. de: problem and porism, iv, 435—41. 
Catalan, E.: attractions, i, 288; integral calculus, i, 313; series, in, 127, xi, 627; curve parallel to 
ellipse, iv, 152; minimal surfaces, xii, 594—5. 
Catalecticant: the term, n, 523, iv, 606, 607. 
Catalogue of Scientific Papers: issued by Royal Society, v, 546—8, 620. 
Catenary: and epitrochoid, xm, 87. 
Cauchy, A. L.: determinants, i, 63, 64, 66; inverse elliptic functions, I, 148, 157, 174 ; integral 
calculus, i, 309, 314; permutations, i, 423; partitions, n, 248, v, 48, vii, 577 ; differential equa 
tions, m, 166, 169; theory of logarithms, III, 208—13, 225; polyhedra, iv, 86—7; singularity of 
function, iv, 105; curve parallel to ellipse, iv, 152; equations of motion, iv, 514, 585; elliptic 
motion, iv, 524, 585; inertia, iv, 560, 564, 565, 585; geodesic lines on ellipsoid, vii, 498; geometrical 
representation of root-limitation, ix, 21—39 ; series, ix, 61, xi, 627 ; mathematical tables, ix, 475; 
theory of equations, x, 6, xi, 504; correspondence, x, 290; monogenous function, xi, 537 ; theory 
of numbers, xi, 601; roots of algebraic equations, xm, 35. 
Caustics: by reflection at circles, i, 273—5, n, 118—22, 129; memoirs on, n, 336—80, v, 454—65; 
tracing of, ii, 351—2, 362—3, 368—9, 374. 
Cavalieri, B.: quadrature of curves, xi, 641. 
Cayley, Arthur: portraits of, frontispiece to vols. vi, vii, xi; manuscript of, frontispiece to vol. vm; 
biography of, vm, ix—xliv; mathematical tables, ix, 479, 487, 491. 
Cayleyan: the word, i, 586, n, 381. 
Central Forces Problem: iv, 517—21. 
Centres: problem of two, III, 104—10, iv, 527, 528—9, 589; cubic, and cones, iv, 173—8, 179—81 ; 
of curves defined, vi, 522 ; four points and conic of, vii, 582; of trees, ix, 429—60; the term, x, 599 ; 
of three circles, xi, 552. 
Centro-curve: kinds of, vm, 320. 
Centro-surface : of ellipsoid, vm, 8; the term, vm, 316; Rudio’s inverse, xii, 457—8. 
C. XIV. 

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