Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

[From the Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, vol. hi. (1880), 
pp. 155—159.] 
The theorem in question is given, Œuvres Completes, [Christiania, 1881], t. II., 
p. 266, as an extract from a letter to Crelle dated 14th March, 1826, as follows: 
“ Si une equation du cinquième degré dont les coefficients sont des nombres 
rationnels est résoluble algébriquement, on peut donner aux racines la forme suivante : 
. A 2 A A A A £ i £ Â A# 4 3 4 i£43 
x = c + Aa^papap + Apipapapa" 4- A. 2 apapa‘ ; ap 4- A-.apa^apa.p, 
a = m 4 n \/( 1 4 e 2 ) + f\h (1 +e _ + \/(l + g 2 ))], 
a 1 = m-n V(1 4 e 2 ) 4 f[h (1 + e 2 — V(1 4- e 2 ))], 
a 2 = m + n V(1 + e-) — C[h (1 4- e 2 + \/(l 4- e 2 ))], 
a 3 — m — n V(1 4 e 2 ) - f[h (1 + e 2 - VG + e 2 ))], 
A =K+K'a 4 K"a 2 + K'"aa 2 , A, = K+ K'a, + K"a, + K"'a Y a 3 , 
A 2 = K + K'a 2 + K" a 4- K'"aa 2 , A 3 = K + 1C a, + K" a, 4- K'"api 3 . 
Les quantités c, h, e, m, n, K, K', K", K'" sont des nombres rationnels. Mais de 
cette manière l’équation x 5 + ax+b = 0 n’est pas résoluble tant que a et b sont des 
quantités quelconques. J’ai trouvé de pareils théorèmes pour les équations du 7 brae , 
ll ème , 13 ème , etc. degré.” 
It is easy to see that x is the root of a quintic equation, the coefficients of 
which are rational and integral functions of a, a 1} a 2 , a 3 : these coefficients are not 
symmetrical functions of a, a 1} a 2 , a 3 , but they are functions which remain unaltered

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