Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

The equation (26) expresses that the surface and its reciprocal have the same deficiency; 
viz. the expression for the deficiency is 
(30) Deficiency = % (n — 1) (n — 2) (n — 3) — (n — 3) (b + c) + ^(q 4- r) 4- 2£ +%/3+%y+i—^6, 
= 1(^-1) ( n ' - 2) (n' - 3) - &c. 
609. The equation (28) (due to Prof. Cayley) is the correct form of an expression 
for /3', first obtained by him (with some errors in the numerical coefficients) from 
independent considerations. But it is best obtained by means of the equation (26); 
and (27) is a relation presenting itself in the investigation. In fact, considering a as 
standing for its value n (n — 1) — 26 — 3c, we have from the first 25 equations 
= 2, 
+ 2 
3 n — c — k 
= 2, 
- 2 
a {n — 2) — k + B — p — 2a — 3a) 
= 2, 
- 4 
b (n - 2) — p — 2/3 — 87 — 31 
= 2, 
- 6 
c (11 — 2) — 2cr — 4¡3 — 7 — 6 — to 
= 2, 
+ 2 
n + k — a — 2G — 4 B — 2j — 3^ — 
3a> = 2, 
- 3 
2q — 2p + j3 +j 
— 2, 
- 2 
3r + c — 5ar — /3 — 4<0 + x — 6) 
= 2; 
multiplying these equations by the numbers set opposite to them respectively, and 
adding, we find 
— 2 n 3 +12 n" + 4 n+b (12?i — 36) + c (12?i — 48) 
— 6q — Qr — 4G — 10B — 41/3 — 30y — 24£ — 7j — 8x+ 26 — 4&> = X, 
and adding hereto (26) we have the equation (27); and from this (28), or by a like 
process, (29), is obtained without much difficulty. As to the 8 X-equations or symmetries, 
observe that the first, third, fourth, and fifth are in fact included among the original 
equations (for an expression which vanishes is in fact = X); we have from them 
moreover 3n — c = 3a' — k, and thence 3n — c—K = 3a' — k — k, which is = X, or we have 
thus the second equation; but the sixth, seventh, and eighth equations have yet to 
be obtained. 
610. The equations (15), (16), (17) give 
n'— a (a — 1) — 28 — 3«, 
c = 3a (a — 2) — 63 — 8k, 
V = \a (a - 2) (a 2 - 9) - (a 2 - a - 6) (28 + 3«) 4- 28 (8 - 1) + 68« + f* (« - 1). 
From (7), (8), (9), we have 
(a- b- c){n- 2) = k - B - 6/3 - 47 - St - 0 + 2o, 
(a-2b-3c) (n-2)(n-3)=2(S- C)-8k-18h-Qbc + 18/3 + 12 7 + 6i -6«;

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