Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

612. Instead of obtaining the second and third equations as above, we may to 
the value of b (— 4n + 6) add twice the value of b (n — 2); and to twice the value of 
c (— 4<n + 6) add three times the value of c (n — 2), thus obtaining equations free from 
p and a respectively; these equations are 
b (— 2n + 2) = 4k — 2b 2 — 5/3 — Si + Qt — j, 
c (— 5n + 6) = 12h — 6c 2 — 5y — 4i — 2 X + SO — 3<w, 
equations which, introducing therein the values of q and r, may also be written 
b (2n — 4) =2q + 5/3 + 67 + Qt + Si +j + 4f, 
c (5n — 12) + SO = 6r + 18/3 + 5y + 4i + 2% + Sw. 
Considering as given, n the order of the surface; the nodal curve, with its singularities 
b, k, f, t; the cuspidal curve, with its singularities c, h; and the quantities /3, 7, i 
which relate to the intersections of the nodal and cuspidal curves; the first of the 
two equations gives j, the number of pinch-points, being singularities of the nodal 
curve, quoad the surface; and the second equation establishes a relation between 
0, a, the numbers of singular points of the cuspidal curve quoad the surface. 
In the case of a nodal curve only, if this be a complete intersection P = 0, Q = 0, 
the equation of the surface is (^1, B, G\P, Q) 2 = 0, and the first equation is 
b (— 211 + 2) = 4k— 2b 2 + 6£ — j; 
or, assuming t= 0, say j= 2 (n — 1)b — 26 2 + 4&, which may be verified; and so in the 
case of a cuspidal curve only, when this is a complete intersection P = 0, Q = 0, the 
equation of the surface is {A, B, G$P, Q) 2 = 0, where AG— B 2 = MB + KQ; and the 
second equation is 
c (— on + 6) = 12 h — 6c 2 — 2% + S0 — 3 w, 
or, say 2% + Sco = (5n — 6) c — 6c 2 + 12h + 30, which may also be verified. 
613. We may in the first instance out of the 46 quantities consider as given 
the 14 quantities 
n : b, k, f t : c, h, 0, % '■ & 7» i ' G, B, 
then of the 26 relations, 17 determine the 17 quantities 
a, 8, k, p, a : j, q : r, w 
n' : a', S', k : b’, f:c' : 1 ; 
and there remain the 9 equations 
(18), (19), (20), (21), (22), (23), (24), (25), (28), 
connecting the 15 quantities 
p', </ : k\ t\ j\ q : hf, 0', X ', / : /3', 7 : V, B\

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