peculiarity in the motion; in the other two cases there is not; in (2) there is not
when the point is first at the node, or when it is secondly at the node, any peculiarity
in the motion; the singularity consists in the point coming twice into the same
position; and so in (4) the singularity is in the line coming twice into the same
position. Moreover (1) and (2) are, the former a proper singularity, and the latter an
improper singularity, as regards the motion of the point; and similarly (3) and (4) are,
the former a proper singularity, and the latter an improper singularity, as regards the
motion of the line.
But as regards the representation of a curve by an equation, the case is very
First, if the equation be in point-coordinates, (3) and (4) are in a sense not
singularities at all. The curve (*fx, y, z) m = 0, or general curve of the order to, has
double tangents and inflexions; (2) presents itself as a singularity, for the equations
d x y, z) m = 0, d y (*\x, y, z) m = 0, d z (*$x, y, z) m = 0, implying (*$>, y, z) m = 0, are
not in general satisfied by any values (a, h, c) whatever of (x, y, z), but if such
values exist, then the point (a, h, c) is a node or double point; and (1) presents
itself as a further singularity or sub-case of (2), a cusp being a double point for which
the two tangents become coincident.
In line-coordinates all is reversed:—(1) and (2) are not singularities; (3) pre
sents itself as a sub-case of (4).
The theory of compound singularities will be referred to further on.
In regard to the ordinary singularities, we have
to, the order,
n „ class,
8 „ number of double points,
i „ „ cusps,
r „ „ double tangents,
k „ „ inflexions;
and this being so, Pliicker’s “six equations” are
— TO (to
- 3/e,
= 3to (to ■
- 2) - 68 -
- 8/e,
= \m (to
— 2) (to 2 —
9) — (to 2 —
TO - 6) (28 + 3/e) + 28 (8 - 1) + 68/e + |/e (k
= ft (ft —
1) - 2t -
3 l,
= 3 ft (ft —
2) - 6t -
=\n(n —
2) (ft 2 — 9)
— (ft 2 — ft -
■ 6) (2t 4- 3e) + 2t (t — 1) + 6tì + ft (i — 1).