and consequently
dx 3 dx 3 X.,
dx x ' dx 3 X, ’
where X.,, X 1 are functions of x.,, x 1 respectively: hence taking the logarithm and
differentiating successively with regard to x x and x 2 , we have
d d . /dx 3 dx 3 \ _ ^
dx l dx 2 ® v^'i dxj
which is the required partial differential equation of the third order.
This differential equation has a simple geometrical signification. Consider three
consecutive positions of the line meeting the cubic curve in the points 1, 2, 3;
T, 2', 3'; 1", 2", 3" respectively: qua equation of the third order, the equation
should in effect determine 3" by means of the other points. And, in fact, the three
positions of the line constitute a cubic curve; the nine points are thus the inter
sections of two cubic curves, or, say, they are an “ ennead ” of points; any eight of
the points thus determine uniquely the ninth point.