Full text: The collected mathematical papers of Arthur Cayley, Sc.D., F.R.S., late sadlerian professor of pure mathematics in the University of Cambridge (Vol. 11)

15. We have the function defined by its expression as a hypergeometric series 
F(a, /3, 7, w) = 1 +i— u + ~ i o ri— w +&c., 
1.7 l.z.7.7 + 1 
i.e., this expression of the function serves as a definition, if the series be finite or 
if, being infinite, it is convergent. The function may also be defined as a definite 
integral; in other words, if, in the integral 
f x a ' 1 (1 — x)P' 1 (1 — ux)~y’ dx, 
J 0 
we expand the factor (1 — ux) in powers of ux, and then integrate each term 
separately by the formula for the second Eulerian integral, the result is 
which is 
r(a' + /3') r(«' + /3'+l) 1 + * 
Ta'.r/T , a'.7' , a', a' + l. y'.y' + l B , 
r(a' + /3') \ 1 + a'+ /3' .1 U + a.'+ /3'. a'+ /3' + 1.1.2 U + 
or writing a', /3', 7' = a, 7 — a, /3 respectively, this is 
FaT (7 — a) 
so that the new definition is 
r 7 
F (a, /3, 7, u) = - a - t ( 7—— f ¿e a_1 (1 — fl?)* 3-1 (1 — wic) -3 dx; 
i^(a, /3, 7, w), 
but this is in like manner only a definition under the proper limitations as to the 
values of a, /3, 7, ii. It is not here considered how the definition is to be extended 
so as to give a meaning to the function F (a, ¡3, 7, u) for all values, say of the 
parameters a, /3, 7, and of the variable u. There are included a large number of 
special forms which are either algebraic or circular or exponential, for instance 
F (a, ¡3, /3, u) = (1 — u)~ a , &c.; or which are special transcendents which have been 
separately studied, for instance, Bessel’s functions, the Legendrian functions X n presently 
referred to, series occurring in the development of the reciprocal of the distance 
between two planets, &c. 
16. There is a class of functions depending upon a variable or variables x, y, ... 
and a parameter n, say the function for the parameter n is X n such that the product 
of two functions having the same variables, multiplied it may be by a given function 
of the variables, and integrated between given limits, gives a result = 0 or not = 0, 
according as the parameters are unequal or equal; JUX m X n dx = 0, but JUX n 2 dx not 
= 0; the admissible values of the parameters being either any integer values, or 
it may be the roots of a determinate algebraical or transcendental equation; and the 
functions X n may be either algebraical or transcendental. For instance, such a function 
is cos nx; 711 and n being integers, we have f cos mx. cos nx dx = 0, but [ cos 2 nx dx = &r. 
Jo Jo

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