return each of them to its original position. And it is easy to understand how,
when the oval described by P surrounds two or more of the branch-points V, the
corresponding curves for P' may be a system of manifold ovals, such that the sum of
the manifoldness is always = n, and to conceive in a general way the behaviour of
the corresponding points P and P'.
Writing for a moment x + iy = u, x' + iy' — v, the branch-points are the points of
contact of parallel tangents to the curve <f> (u, v) = 0, a line through a cusp (but
not a line through a node), being reckoned as a tangent; that is, if this be a curve
of the order n and class m, with S nodes and k cusps, the number of branch-points
is = m 4- k, that is, it is = n 2 — n — 2$ — 2k, or if p, = ^ (n — 1) (n — 2) — 8 — k, be the
deficiency, then the number is = 2n — 2 + 2p.
To illustrate the theory of the w-valued algebraical function x' + iy of the complex
variable x + iy, Riemann introduces the notion of a surface composed of n coincident
planes or sheets, such that the transition from one sheet to another is made at the
branch-points, and that the n sheets form together a multiply-connected surface, which
can be by cross-cuts (Querschnitte) converted into a simply-connected surface; the
n-valued function x + iy' becomes thus a one-valued function of x -f iy, considered as
belonging to a point on some determinate sheet of the surface: and upon such con
siderations he founds the whole theory of the functions which arise from the integration
of the differential expressions depending on the w-valued algebraical function (that is,
any irrational algebraical function whatever) of the independent variable, establishing
as part of the investigation the theory of the multiple ^-functions. But it would be
difficult to give a further account of these investigations.
The Calculus of Functions.
22. The so-called Calculus of Functions, as considered chiefly by Herschel and
Babbage and De Morgan, is not so much a theory of functions as a theory of the
solution of functional equations; or, as perhaps should rather be said, the solution of
functional equations by means of known functions, or symbols,—the epithet known
being here used in reference to the actual state of analysis. Thus for a functional
equation (j>x + (fry = <fr (xy), taking the logarithm as a known function, the solution is
(frx — c log x; or if the logarithm is not taken to be a known function, then a solution
may be obtained by means of the sign of integration (frx = c I —; but the establish-
j ec
ment of the properties of the function logarithm (assumed to be previously unknown)
would not be considered as coming within the theory. A class of equations specially
considered is where ax, ¡3x, ... being given functions of x, the unknown function efr is
to be determined by means of a given relation between x, (frx, (frax, (fr/3x, ...; in part
icular the given relation may be between x, (frx, (frax; this can be at once reduced
to equations of finite differences; for writing x = u n , ax = u n+1 , we have u n+1 = au n ,
giving u n , and therefore also x, each of them as a function of n; and then writing
<frx = v n , (frax will be the same function of n+1, = v n+1 , and the given relation is
again an equation of finite differences in v n+1 , v n , and n; we have thus v n , = (frx,