having the common axis Oz; and the section by any plane z = 7 parallel to that of
xy is the ellipse
7 =
x- if
2a + 26 ;
so that the surface is generated by a variable ellipse moving parallel to itself along
the parabolas as directrices.
In the hyperbolic paraboloid (fig. 21), the sections by the planes of zx, zy are
the parabolas
cc 2 y-
z = z = — ■Y .
Fig. 21.
having the opposite axes Oz, Oz'; and the section by a plane z = y parallel to that
of xy is the hyperbola
X 2, y 2
^ 2a 2b ’
which has its transverse axis parallel to Ox or Oy according as 7 is positive or
negative. The surface is thus generated by a variable hyperbola moving parallel to
Fig. 22.
itself along the parabolas as directrices. The form is best seen from fig. 22, which
represents the sections by planes parallel to the plane of xy, or say the contour lines:
c. xi. 73