obtained, will serve as an example: 54 is not a quintic perpetuant, but ignoring this,
it is by the syzygy in question expressible in the form
54 = 43.2
- 33.3
- 432
- 3.333,
viz. as a Sextic Syzygant, inasmuch as on the right-hand side we have terms 43.2
and 33.3, of the degree 6, which exceeds the degree 5 of the seminvariant 54 in
question. Referring back to the definition of reduction, No. 25, observe that this is
not a reduction of the seminvariant 54. It may be remarked that for the weight 19
we have 15 sextic syzygies: the number of quintic perpetuants is — 3 : so that while
it is conceivable that the 15 equations might be such that they would fail to
determine the 3 perpetuants, it is prima facie very unlikely that this should be so.
I have in fact ascertained that the equations are sufficient for the determination;
that is, that (weight 19) each of the three quintic perpetuants is a sextic syzygant.
So in the case w = 23, the number of the sextic syzygies is = 28, and that of the
quintic perpetuants is = 5; here also the 28 equations are sufficient to determine the
5 perpetuants, viz. (weight 23) each of the 5 quintic perpetuants is a sextic syzygant.
50. Supposing that for any given weight w — 6, each of the quintic perpetuants
is a sextic syzygant : this implies that the number of sextic syzygies (S 6 )' is at least
equal to the number ((5))' of quintic perpetuants (for each expression of a quintic
perpetuant as a sextic syzygant is in fact a sextic syzygy) : and not only so, but it
further implies that the number of the sextic syzygies, which do not contain a quintic
perpetuant, is precisely equal (Sf — ((5))' : for if besides the equations which serve to
express the perpetuants as syzygants, we have any other sextic syzygy, then either this
does not contain a quintic perpetuant, or it can (by substituting therein for every
quintic perpetuant its value as a sextic syzygant) be reduced to a syzygy which does
not contain any quintic perpetuant.
51. In the general case, we have (S s )' sextic syzygies of the weight w — 6, and
((5))' quintic perpetuants of this weight : but it may happen that certain of the
quintic perpetuants do not enter into any of the sextic syzygies ; and those which
enter, may do so in definite combinations : by elimination of these combinations of
perpetuants we obtain (it may be) a sextic syzygies not containing any quintic per
petuant ; and the remaining (S 6 V — a equations will then serve to express each of
them a quintic perpetuant, or combination of quintic perpetuants, as a sextic syzygant.
The number a is at most = ((5))', or taking it to be = ((5))' — ((0))', the number of
sextic syzygies not containing any quintic perpetuant will be = ($„)' — ((5))' + ((0))',
that is, the number of sextic syzygies not containing any quintic perpetuant will
be equal to the whole number (S 6 )' of sextic syzygies diminished by some number
((*>))' — ((&))'> which is less than or at most equal to the whole number ((5))' of
quintic perpetuants of the weight in question w — 6. But as already mentioned, I have
not been able to obtain the expression of the function (6), =
G. F. of the number ((d))'.
Cambridge, England, 17th March, 1884.
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