[From the Messenger of Mathematics, vol. xiv. (1885), pp. 108—112.]
I CONSIDER the equation qQ — Qq' = 0, where q, q are given quaternions, and Q
is a quaternion to be determined. Obviously a condition must be satisfied by the
given quaternions; for, substituting in the given equation for q, q', Q their values, say
w + ix+jy + kz, iv + ix +jy + kz, and W + iX + j Y + kZ respectively, and equating to
zero the scalar part and the coefficients of i, j, k, we have four equations linear in
W, X, Y, Z, and then eliminating these quantities, we have the condition in question.
Supposing the condition satisfied, the ratios of W, X, Y, Z are then completely determ
ined, and the required quaternion Q is thus determinate except as to a scalar factor,
or say Q is = product of an arbitrary scalar into a determinate quaternion expression.
It might, at first sight, appear that the condition is that the given quaternions
shall have their tensors equal, Tq — Tq ; for the equation gives Tq.TQ — TQ. Tq' = 0,
that is, TQ(Tq—Tq') = 0. But we cannot thence infer, and it is not true, that the
condition is Tq — Tq' = 0; the formula does not give the required condition at all, but
the conclusion to which it leads is that, when the condition is satisfied, then in general
(that is, unless Tq — Tq = 0) the required quaternion is an imaginary quaternion (or,
as Hamilton calls it, a biquaternion) having its tensor TQ = 0. In the particular case
where the given quaternions are such that Tq - Tq = 0, then the required quaternion
Q is determined less definitely, viz. it becomes = product of an arbitrary scalar into
a not completely determined quaternion expression; and it is thus in general such
that TQ is not = 0. In explanation, observe that, for the particular case in question,
the four linear equations for W, X, Y, Z reduce themselves to two independent rela
tions, and they give therefore for the ratios of W, X, Y, Z expressions involving an
arbitrary parameter A; these expressions cannot, it is clear, be deduced from the
determinate expressions which belong to the general case.