[From the American Journal of Mathematics, voi. ix. (1887), pp. 193—224.]
The algebraical theory of the Transformation of Elliptic Functions was established
by Jacobi in a remarkably simple and elegant form, but it has not hitherto been
developed with much completeness or success. The cases n = 3 and n = 5 are worked
out very completely in the Fundamenta Nova (1829) ; viz. considering the equation
Mdy _ dx
VI-y 2 . 1 -xy ~ VI - x 2 .1 -Utf 5
{k = u*, X = v 4 -, say this is the MkX- or Muv-form), Jacobi finds, in the two cases
respectively, a modular equation between the fourth roots u, v, say the try-modular
equation, and, as rational functions of u, v, the value of M and the values of the
coefficients of the several powers of x in the numerator and denominator of the
fraction which gives the value of y\ but there is no attempt at a like development
of the general case. I shall have occasion to speak of other researches by Jacobi,
Brioschi and myself; but I will first mention that my original idea in the present
memoir was to develop the following mode of treatment of the theory :
In place of the MkX-form, using the pa/3-form
dy _ pdx
Vl — 2 fiy 4 + y* V1 — 2 ax 2 + x 4,
(I write for greater convenience 2a, 2/3 in place of the a of Jacobi and Brioschi and
the fi of Brioschi), we can, by expanding each side in a series, integrating, and
reverting the resulting series for y, obtain y in the form
y = px( 1 +II 1 « 2 + n 2 # 4 + ...),