different planes) the two isosceles triangles NPP', OPP' on a common base PP', then
the angle OPN is equal to the angle OP'N. For take P, P' consecutive points on
a spherical curve of curvature; then at P, P' the normals of the surface meet in a
point N, and the normals (or radii) of the sphere meet in the centre 0, and we have
angle OPN = angle OPN, that is, at each of these points the inclination of the normal
of the surface to the normal of the sphere has the same value; and this value being
thus the same for any two consecutive points, must be the same for all points of the
curve of curvature. The proof applies to the plane curve of curvature; but in this
case, the fundamental theorem may be taken to be, a line at right angles to the base
PP' of the isosceles triangle NPP' is equally inclined to the two equal sides
NP, NP'.
A surface may have one set of its curves of curvature plane or spherical. To
include the two cases in a common formula, the equation may be written
k (x 2 + y 2 + z 2 ) — 2ax — 2by — 2cz — 2u = 0;
k = 1 in the case of a sphere, = 0 in that of a plane; and the expression a sphere
may be understood to include a plane. I write in general A, B, 0 to denote the
cosines of the inclinations of the normal of the surface at the point (x, y, z) to the
axes of coordinates (consequently A 2 + B 2 + G 2 = 1). Hence considering a surface, and
writing down the equations
k (,x 2 + y~ + z 2 ) — 2ax — 2by — 2cz — 2u = 0,
(kx — a) A + (ky — b)B + (kz — c)G = l,
where (a, b, c, u, l) are regarded as functions of a parameter t. The first of these
equations is that of a variable sphere; and the second equation expresses that at
a point of intersection of the surface with the sphere, the inclination of the tangent
plane of the surface to the tangent plane of the sphere has a constant value l, viz.
this is a value depending only on the parameter t, and therefore constant for all points
of the curve of intersection of the sphere and surface: by what precedes, the curve
of intersection is a curve of curvature of the surface, and the surface will thus have
a set of spherical curves of curvature.
Supposing the surface defined by means of expressions of its coordinates (x, y, z)
as functions of two variable parameters, we may for one of these take the parameter t
which enters into the equation of the sphere ; and if the other parameter be called 6,
then the expressions of the coordinates are of the form x, y, z = x(t, 6), y(t, 6), z (t, 6)
respectively; these give equations dx, dy, dz = adt+ a'dd, bdt + b'd6, cdt+c'd0, where of
course (a, b, c, a', V, c') are in general functions of t, 0; and we have A, B, 0 pro
portional to be — b'c, ca’ — c'ci, ab' — a'b, viz. the values are equal to these expressions
each divided by the square root of the sum of their squares. In order that the
surface may have a set of spherical curves of curvature, the above three equations
must be satisfied identically by means of the values of
a, b, c, u, l, A, B, G, x, y, z,