f the
[From the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society, vol. xxn. (1891),
pp. 475, 476.]
In my paper, “ Note on the Theory of the Rational Transformation between
Two Planes, and on Special Systems of Points,” Proc. Lond. Math. Soc. t. in. (1870),
pp. 196—198, [450], I notice a difficulty which presents itself in the theory. The
transformation is given by the equations
x' : y' : z' = X : Y : Z,
where X, F, Z are functions (*\x, y, z) n , such that X = 0, F=0, Z = 0 are curves
in the first plane passing through a x points each once, a 2 points each twice (that is,
having each of the ou, points for a double point), a 3 points each 3 times, and so
on. We have as the condition of a single variable point of intersection,
oq + 4ot 2 + 9a 3 + ... = ?г 2 - 1,
and as the condition in order that each of the curves X = 0, F= 0, Z = 0, or say
the curve aX + bY+ cZ = 0, may be unicursal,
a 2 + 3« 3 + ... — £ (n — 1) (n — 2);
and we thence deduce
oq + 3a 2 + 6a 3 + ... = \n (n + 3) — 2;
viz. the postulation of the fixed points quoad a curve of the order n is less by 2
than the postulandum (or, as I prefer to call it, the capacity) ^n{n + 3) of the curve
of the order n; that is, there are precisely the three asyzygetic curves X = 0, F= 0,
Z= 0. This is as it should be, assuming that the (cq, a 2 , a 3 ,...) points are an ordinary
system of points: but what if they form a special system having a postulation less