to be a 3
And so i
[From the Quarterly Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, vol. xxm. (1889),
pp. 376—378.]
The number of trees which can be formed with n + 1 given knots a, /3, y, ... is
= (ii+l) n_1 ; for instance n = ‘3, the number of trees with the 4 given knots a, ¡3, y,
8 is 4 2 = 16, for in the first form shown in the figure the a, ¡3, y, 8 may be arranged
12 + 4 = 16
in 12 different orders (a/3y8 being regarded as equivalent to Sy/3a), and in the second
form any one of the 4 knots a, /3, y, 8 may be in the place occupied by the a:
the whole number is thus 12 + 4, =16.
Considering for greater clearness a larger value of n, say n = o, I state the
particular case of the theorem as follows:
No. of trees (a, /3, y, 8, e, £) = No. of terms of (a + ¡3 + y + 8 + e + £) 4 a/3y8et„ = 6 4 , = 129 6,
and it will be at once seen that the proof given for this particular case is applicable
for any value whatever of n.
I use for any tree whatever the following notation: for instance, in the first of
the forms shown in the figure, the branches are a/3, /3y, y8; and the tree is said
to be a/3 2 y 2 8 (viz. the knots a, 8 occur each once, but /3, y each twice); similarly
in the second of the same forms, the branches are a/3, ay, a8, and the tree is said
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as equivalen
2 x 12, = 24
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= a£\ ae . a/3
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number of