x —— 3
dered the second time: in like manner, if from —-—
X 3 '•it
(the half of — } you, again, take 4, there will re
main — — 4 or -• ~~ the number of sheep re?
8 8
x —- 7
plaining at last. Hence we have —-—'= 5; therefore
p — 7 = 40, and x — 47-
The difference of tico numbers being given, equal to 4,
and the difference of their squares, equal to 40; to find
the numbers.
Let the lesser number be x; then, the difference be
ing 4, the greater must consequently be x f 4, and its
square xx + Sp t- 16, from which xx, the square of the
lesser being taken away, the difference is 8x -f 16:
therefore 8p {16 — 40; which, reduced, gives x — 3;
whence x f 4 — 7; therefore the two required num
bers are 3 and 7.
Ali the problems hitherto delivered are resolved by a
numeral exegesis, wherein the unknown quantities,only,
are represented by letters of the alphabet; w r hich seem
ed necessary, in order to strengthen the Beginner’s
idea, at setting out, and lead him on by proper gra
dations: but it is not only more masterly and elegant,
but also more useful, to represent the known, as well
as the unknown quantities, by algebraic symbols; since
from thence a general theorem is- derived, whereby
all other questions of the same kind may be resolved.
As an instance hereof, let the last problem be again
resumed; then the given difference of the required
numbers being denoted by a, the difference of their
squares by b, and the lesser number by p; the greater
will be p + a, and its square p 2 + 2xa + a 2 ; from
which, p% the square of the lesser number, being de
ducted, there remains 2xa + a 2 — b: whence if aa
be subtracted from both sides, there will remain 2ax —
— aa-, this, divided by 2a, gives x — and