it will become
3 — 6 X 24 — 38 — 2 — 3 X 36 — 83
2—4X 3— 6—2 — 3 X 3 — 10
= 3; whence, also, we find
bd — ne 2 — 3
■) =
2 — 3
12 — 4 — 5
Having exhibited a variety of examplesof the use and
application of Algebra, in the resolution of problems
producing simple equations, I shall now proceed to give
some instances thereof in such as rise to quadratic equa®
tions; but, first of all, it will be necessary to premise
something, in general, with regard to these kinds of
It has been already observed, that quadratic equations
are such wherein the highest power of the unknown
quantity rises to two dimensions; of which there are
two sorts, viz. simple quadratics, and adfected ones*
A simple quadratic equation is that wherein the square
¡only of the Unknown quantity is concerned, as xx —ab m „
but an adfected one is, when both the square and its
root are found involved in different terms of the same
equation, as in the equation x 2 q- 2ax — bb. The re
solution of the first of these is performed by, barely,
extracting the square root, on both sides thereof: thus
in the equation x 2 — ah, the value of x is given — \/ah
(for if two quantities be equal, their square roots must
necessarily be equal). The method of solution when
the equation is adfected, is likewise by extracting the
square root; but, first of all, so much is to be added to
both sides thereof as to make that where the unknown
quantity is a perfect square! this is usually called com
pleting the square, and is always done by taking half
the coefficient of the single power of the unknown
quantity, in the second term, and squaring it, and
then adding that square fa both sides of the equation.
Thus, in the equation xx + 2ax — bb, the coefficient
of a; in the second term being 2a, its half will be a,
which, squared and added to both sides, gives + sax
h 2