Full text: A treatise of algebra

the question, 50 4 x x 50 — x, or 2500 — x* — 2100; 
whence x z zz 400, and consequently x — \/400 =: 20; 
¿herefaEe 50 4 x — 70 — the greater part, and 50 — x 
zz 30 = the less. 
Whqt two numbers are those which are to one another 
in the ratio of 3 fa) to 5 f'bj, and whose squares, added 
together, make 1666 (c) ? 
Let the lesser of the two required numbers be a*» 
then, a : b :: x : —— rr the greater; therefore, by 
b*x z 
the question, x 1 q—— c; whence a 1 x 1 4- 6 a a* zz aV, 
a* zz -0-771»; consequently a’ = 
a* 4 b* 
the greater. 
To find two numbers, whose difference is 8, and pro» 
fact 240. 
If the lesser number be denoted by x, the greater will 
be x 4 8 ; and so, by the question, we shall have a* 4 8x 
240. Now, by completing the square, x 1 4 8a 
4- 16 240 4 16) = 25G; and, by extracting the 
root, x 4 4 =r s/256 = 16: whence x — 16 — 4 zz 
12; and x 4 8 = 20; which are the two numbers that 
were to be found. 
To find two numbers whose dfference shall be 12, and 
the sum of their squares 1424. 
Let the lesser be a, and the greater will be x 4 12; 
therefore, by the problem, x 4 12 j 1 4 x z zz 1424, or

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